Stage show Unfortunate Souls is absolutely fantastic. It is the story from Ursula's viewpoint. She did nothing wrong at all.

Little spread? We have very different definitions of little. Your nana is a gem and clearly loves seeing you both. Treasure her and keep seeing her as much as you can.

I said she's clearly posh. The way the table is laid (napkins in ring holders, flute in the background potentially with champagne or prosecco in), a loaf of fresh bread that is not pre sliced, the fact it is an adults first fry up, spinach in a fry up and tomatoes on the vine. This is a posh girl, but she may be a champagne socialist like half of my mum's family (not us, we don't have the dosh, but part of her family are minted and posh).

I'm going to guess your girlfriend is posh. One she hasn't had a fry up before, two tomatoes on the vine, you lucky man, three spinach is in there, four fresh loaf of bread with butter in their own little pots (btw toast, not bread), no hovis and marg for you eh, and five the flute in the background. You having champagne with breakfast? The bean sauce is stressful but just relocation of black pudding will save the day and break the dam pushing the beans to the edge. You are a lucky man and I hope you treat this woman well..

Not really as they didn't provide it to gain access they are not allowed or used for official documents. They just showed a fake birth certificate to some random guy. If it was legitimate OP may have a case for passing on her details but as it was fake...

Paternal grandfather so OP's dad's dad. I'm guessing these grandparents realise their son and daughter in law are a bit delu so they are protective of OP. Mum's probably scared of him when she realises she has fucked up in regard to her parenting and because they clearly rely on him for finances. Grandparents are protecting their granddaughter and nurturing her talent. I would say the parents escalated it when they contacted the orchestra. All the grandparents did before that point was make sure the mother gave back what she stole (OP bought with her own money). Parents are exploiting OPs talent to have better status and standing in the church. They don't care about her, just what she can get them.

That is likely due to men outnumbering women from the one child law days.

I had one of these as a kid in the 80s. I LOVED it and was really good. I could run down the street with it still going round, until one day. That day I got tangled and fell on the gravel floor, face first. Didn't use it again.

Celebrate! You get a free kid. Goats are massively underappreciated. They are the best.

The last one is so adorable. The guy being surprised had puppy energy.

Sorry why are we taking a potted plant?

I'm sorry WHAT?! You have a politician or judge (I'm sorry I don't know - live in UK) outwardly talking about segregation in this day and age? Not immediately booed or laughed out of the room. I find that incredibly difficult to get my head round.

Exactly and whoever gets in next is very likely to be choosing two more. You are close to getting a MAGA Supreme Court. That's terrifying for your country.

Well on her tiktok it says married to my soulmate and they posted a video together last month so I'd say that's wrong.

He keeps giving in because he doesn't want to break up the family. He's holding on to what they used to be, not what they are.

Aww the hopefulness of youth. Bless her. She's right in her point and it would be wonderful if her aims were actually near possible. Life and the grind will kill that optimism in her so for now let her enjoy her hope that she can change the world.

This is what I don't get. I don't understand the motivation, particularly for Jake. Where is the street cred of beating an old man way past his prime? Mike needs the money but Jake doesn't and it is shameful. He either beats an old man or loses to an old man.

Jake looks like an absolute tool in this clip and I want him to lose but the several decades younger guy is likely to win.

Semen has an awful texture and taste but it's over quickly once swallowed and it makes me man happy so I can deal with that. Me eating runny egg white gives no one pleasure.

I don't eat meat but like my fish well cooked.

I can't buy that Israel just wants to destroy Hamas when they are slaughtering many more. Telling people there is a safe evacuation route and they wouldn't attack. They did. Mainly women and children . That's not them trying to get Hamas. Killing literally hundreds of aid workers, clearly marked as sid workers. Shooting their own hostages when they were released. They are shooting on sight, not once establishing who they are. I would believe they just want Hamas if their response was to send in special forces. They have sent in some but accompanied by random bombing too.

Don't tell me what I do and don't care about.

Yolk has to be runny. Such a delicate balance when poaching or boiling them. I've got it down with poached but every boiled egg is a gamble.

Plenty of videos of that too 🤣 American woman screaming owww help me and completely ignores by guard. There is a sign saying they may bite.

That poor little thing. Guinea pigs are super sensitive creatures. That tiny guy is just running into a house to get in the dark and stop the overstimulation. This is cruel.