Best parrot I own out of all 9. He’s a talkative, friendly little guy and is the only one that gets along with all 8 other parrots. Love these guys.

Austin, Texas

Hebrew National

If I’m eating a hot dog (maybe once a year), it’s gonna be the Hebrew national brand.

Refugee Olympic Team

She came in dead last in her heat. 25th out of 26 women to run the 100m hurdles.

They aren’t lions, they’re not even sheep. They’re parasites

So, this is the hill America dies on… He has just been handed the tools to fix this shit, and he’s gonna squander it and hope he beats trump in November. Smart…

He should also classify all those who helped in January 6th as domestic terrorists and immediately have them arrested as an imminent and immediate threat to democracy. That includes Ginny Thomas first and foremost. Shit, fill gitmo with them.

They are domestic terrorists and are in the middle of completing a coup. He needs to put an end to this. The water in this pot is beginning to boil and we’re about out of time.

3500sqft with 20ft ceilings throughout the main living areas (built in 2003). Last month was $230 and we keep it at 77 degrees day or night.

They should do what he does and spew a fire hose of crap everyday. Make it impossible for him to keep up with it just like he does with his lies.

Sahd for 10+ years to two girls. I treat it like a professional setting and everyone are coworkers. Be polite, confident, and and keep conversations light and positive. DO NOT EVER TALK BADLY ABOUT ANYONE. The quickest way to ostracize yourself from a group (especially other parents) is to talk poorly of others. Always keep things positive even if others are being less so.

That being said, your child needs be the center of his attention. When I’m chatting with other parents, I always, always, always have my child in view. At the end of the day, the other parents and their feelings about him don’t matter much but your child’s does. There will always be other play dates and activities he can go to for your child to socialize, so don’t sweat it if he doesn’t fit in with a certain group.

That’s the one from American Gladiators, ain’t it?

Did it mention anything about the electrical system being a problem? Like the pros here said, this is mostly an issue with that receptacle being installed incorrectly. But, if the inspector caught something with the electrical system, then I would look into it more closely. Certainly get a second opinion.

Did you get an inspection while purchasing the house?

My dad taught me this lesson. His had a twist though. He broke our family and told me to “figure it out” and left when I asked who was going to teach me how to do anything. Boy, he sure is gonna be happy when he finally comes back and sees that I made it.