I have been out of the anime scene for a long time so might be completely out of touch, but isn't Bleach close to that level? Or at least used to be? I remember it being absolutely massive when it was coming out.

Without spoilers, it's definitely not an anime filler beach episode, and while most of the story is us just helping someone else it does in fact turn around to go right back into that main FF14 story which most definitely is not over yet.

All story dungeons are now able to be completed with NPCs. You still need to party with players for the 8 man trials, but the dungeons are "soloable" with Trusts.

The best part of that is ARR is widely considered the worst part of the game so if you're having that much fun with it then you have so much to look forward to in the future. Even I have to say it's the worst part and I loved it, it's just that the expansions are way better.

I couldnt give less of a shit about "actual designer vinyl toys" or "collectibles created by real artists". I want a cheap 10 dollar figure that can sit on the shelf with my other cheap 10 dollar figures that share the same aesthetic despite being from vastly different franchises.

Love it, I also built a black and red glam with that weapon as the base. Its soooo nice.

It literally is. Its owned jointly by 3 companies. Nintendo, Gamefreak, and Creatures.

I got mine from buying one of her inmate number necklaces back when she was selling them. I am W38N. No idea how to get one now "officially".

This is probably the only list on here so far that I mostly agree with.

Everytime I read through one of these threads I am just reminded why I am happy that redditors dont work on the games I love. Ya'll bitch way too much.

I never understand people like that. Burger King is like one of the best as far as constantly sending out coupons in the mail or having deals in their app. Unless you eat there so much that you burn through a whole sheet of coupons you should never pay more than $6 for 2 whoppers or whatever the current coupon is, plus whatever else.

Doesnt even really have to be that much. Since Bethesda and Activision are both Microsoft now it could literally just be them favoring their own company and tossing crumbs to the rest.

Same, if it was more like this I wouldn't mind it actually coming up all the time. It was so fun actually having to sit there and raid plan it.

I found out im 1 tick above min height for catgirl.

I will use it to go to min height for catgirl.

A fated love that transcends generations as well. The children succeed where the parents failed. It will always be my favorite because of that.

Im not even a fan of G (blasphemy I know) but I would jump on that the second it was announced. That would be an awesome kit.

I know everyone is wanting the Babymetal song (and I would enjoy it as well) but I am dying to add Otep and Angelspit to my collection. If im playing BR and I drive by a battlebus or the Nitrodrome and hear either of those I will stop what Im doing and just hover around until they are over.

I don't really care what it is as long as it's fun. But I would definitely be pretty damn disappointed if it was a return to turn based. Those games were great growing up, and many of them still hold up amazingly but I don't have the patience for that shit in new games any more.

A downvoted Reddit post and something from GameFAQs where they complain about everything. Youre not making the case you think you are.

Unfortunately I would expect the opposite to happen starting next week. Once Dawntrail starts people will have less reasons to run current maps and over time those are about to become rarer and rarer. Happened with the Golden Beaver which was the equivalent in Shadowbringers.

Those are all storefront launchers. Not even close to what Square has set up.

I managed to fall at work and shatter my ankle at the beginning of the month and needed to get surgery to fix it. I get all the time in the world for Dawntrail AND workers comp is paying me for it!

Valerios has always been pretty mid, but at least they used to be cheaper so it was worth it. Now that they have their heads up their asses with how expensive they've gotten there is literally zero reason to choose them over anyone else in Erie.