Yes he did! And it was brilliant šŸ˜‚

Yes! Another contender was Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2ā€¦albeit very short.

How does this relate to Seinfeld at all??

Yup this was the movie i was going to say. I went into thinking it was about claustrophobia, but good god did it get gory and wild. Superb film.

Hey all, a question, do I have to play with all of the other players in the game? Or can I turn that off somehow and just make it me only playing?

They tried to make her not attractive in that movie, but In reality she is actually super hot.

Okay thank you, do you know if the gameplay will be significantly diminished if I donā€™t have the currency? Might not be a good question as I know we havenā€™t played it yet. I just wondered if you had read that you need to spend in game currency to make the experience better.

So do I need to buy in game currency right away? Or can I just play it with out it?

Flew too close to the Sun on wings of pastrami

ā€œWhat do you want? You want people to suffocate in there??ā€

Iā€™m just proud of her for running that shop all on her own.

I feel this, It seems like the story lines keep repeating too. Especially with butcher.

Yesss! This dude can act. I remember when I first started watching it, he would make me feel so uncomfortable. I have kind of become used to it as the seasons have progressed, but he has become no less menacing.