I honestly think that's perfect and funny and how your sister should be remembered

Ya it would last maybe a week. The state would lose all water, all federal support, no more Texas guard, no army, zero protection, enough electricity for a few days, they would pay so much in imports, etc. the US would just invade it back or it would become part of Mexico.

I've heard of the fabled 8 and now I get to see it

This is fake AF. Literally no one but boomers leave their phone unlocked.

Guy in my class was drinking and driving with 3 other people, also in my class, in his SUV. No one was wearing a seat belt. He hit a van with 2 parents and three children in it. 2 if the children died, 2 of his passengers died, and he died. So what does my school do? Make a big fucking shrine to him and "all the great things he's done" in the entry way, and makes an announcement in the morning telling everyone that they will have counseling available to talk about his death, have an assembly to talk about his death and show a slide show of all the amazing things he's done. Never once did they mention the two other people in my class that died, that he was drinking and driving, and that his actions murdered his friends and the two children in the other vehicle and probably ruined everyone's life involved.

Someone had pictures of his super drunk and vomiting and flipping off the camera and pointing a gun at people at a party before he got in the SUV. Turns out he was kicked out of the party and decided to drag the main street. The surviving friend said everyone was begging him to stop.

He's native American so naturally at the local native American school, his parents were given some award for bravery or something. Fuck that kid. Hope he rots in hell.

You left someone who was willingly paying for your stuff and didn't mind because she liked you? Dude you're dumb

And just like that my membership got canceled

Let's be honest. Someone like that has never had a math class

What exactly were they trying to accomplish

You mean his nice "spicy texture"?

The scientific and medical community do not think micro dosing is a thing because it's not. It's a term druggies invented as a way to rationalize their behavior in a way that they think the public will find acceptable. It probably came from the same reasoning as taking chemicals that are known to out holes in the brain.

Because people should know their geography and Europe always brags about their amazing education system, maybe they should know the places.

Hey can you split this 20 billion dollar bill? I need ones for the coke machine