Bullshit. It's definition is bullshit. Toxic masculinity is a combination of men-hating women and women who don't want to understand men, trying to tear down masculinity. Toxic femininity is a meme made in response to toxic masculinity.

Like anyone can honestly talk about that on reddit

No, the mainstream media is not being more critical of Biden than Trump not. Trump is most likely doing pretty well.

Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul is relatively pointless, full of frustratingly stupid decisions, and drags on

That I'm wrong about a lot of things. God I hope I'm wrong

NTA - it's YOUR car, not HIS. He wants to borrow it, he has to pitch in and make it up to you

NTA - I'd dump her over this. I WANT kids (or did when I was dating) and I'd still have dumped a girl over this. You don't prank someone about pregnancy. It crosses a major line

If I had to pick between those two options, I'd go with 1. I started a family late in life and I am WAY more exhausted, generally, than I would have been if I was younger. Sleepless nights or poor sleep nights, early mornings, running around, playing, going to things, etc. wears me down in ways it wouldn't have if I was younger.

Since nobody here is any of these guys are present for any of these activities so nobody here can give you an accurate answer, my guess is that you're not fully aware of how you're acting and/or not at all direct enough. If you're shy, are you really giving them as much attention as you claim? Why not just be direct about what you want instead of hoping he decides to make a move? Be honest, are you attractive?

She's only popular with a small group, which is overly represented on reddit and in media