And then when all the dogs lean in to sniff the most recent pick up 😂

Mine too. My paternity was uncertain at the time lol

Something else to consider is that children develop theory of mind around 5 years old, generally. This is the cognitive ability to imagine being in someone else’s shoes, so to speak. It impacts the way we interact with each other in myriad ways. One obvious example is adults referring to themselves in the third person when speaking to small children. To the child, “I” refers to themselves, even if another person is making an “I” statement. “Mommy needs to go now.”, is much clearer to them.

The other one that’s kind of fun is that, without theory of mind, it is incredibly hard to determine what someone else is pointing at. You have to imagine being in their position in space, having their line of sight, and seeing where their finger is pointing relative to those two things. You’ll often see parents get down next to small children to point things out from the child’s perspective.

Wait until they find out what occupational therapists do…

Gotta Read’Em All

It’s quintessentially dehumanizing but unicorn hunters don’t see it that way. They think they’re offering up an “amazing opportunity” to be with them. Kind of like how shitty employers operate lolz

Gotta Read’Em All

Yep. And usually the couple has a long list of rules about what must happen and what can’t happen while the unicorn is supposed to please everyone, follow all the rules, and not have any boundaries of her own.

Agreed. They should use plants and decorations to distract the eye and break up the visual lines. That’s the quick and easy fix to try before spending $$$ to change the stairs.

I think, based on the items it’s listed next to, it’s referring to the Plantago genus, common name plantain. There are species on every continent except Antarctica. Goes to show how annoying/confusing common names of plants can be.

My dog has good paw coordination too but he does tilt his head downward in a funny way to see. Makes him look like a dressage horse.

Agreed. Give them “leave it” or other command/toy so they can change behavior and get praise or treats. Works 100x better than just saying “no”.

You can also leave a slightly larger gap for your first layer or two and move closer to the cuticle as you go. This creates a nice tapered profile down to the cuticle, as well.

Butter the toast. Eat the toast. Shit the toast. God life’s relentless.

Looks like they’re Merrel Jungle Mocs. I was curious to know who makes them because my grandparents were obsessed with the knock-offs Walmart sold in the early 00s. They must have been comfortable because they were trying to get us all in those shoes, lol.

Yeah this is the only way I’ve gotten smooth results with marker. It’s kind of like painting a wall, you want to start from one side and work to the other, creating a wet leading edge that blends with the next wet stroke of paint/marker. It can require some planning in terms of finding the best way to fill your shape without having to go back over (or next to) the dry parts again. The larger the space to fill, the harder it is.

most of the recipes on the internet and social media are just click bait.

It’s another fuckin’ subscription to pay for but I’ve been using the New York Times cooking subscription because of this. All of their recipes are tried and true, with plenty of notes and reviews from other users. Instructions are clear, concise, and easy to follow. I don’t always hit it out of the park but I’ve never had anything bad from that app.

Come to think of it, the $4/month or whatever, probably pays for itself with the time I save not having to search the internet over for reliable recipes. (And not scrolling through pages of SEO copy to get to the damn things.)