I support (gently) educating the servers! If they think it’s required by law they have been given misleading information, likely from the proprietor … who is also almost certainly turning a profit on this junk fee.

I got the extraction but I’m holding on the implant for now. The tooth removed was a lower back molar so my appearance and ability to eat have not really been impacted. I read that the risk of not getting the implant in this case is that the upper tooth may extrude itself looking for the missing lower tooth … but I’m hoping the clear aligner retainer I wear at night will keep that in check. However, I did get the bone graft so if I decide to get an implant, I should be able to.

Good luck!

IDK that I've ever seen such a perfect suplex

Totally! Do a moment where they are have a staredown but nothing physical.

Love it!

TK, if you're out there hire this guy to conceptualize your set design!

Great restaurant — in more ways than one!

Pretty exciting! PPBP being nerfed sucked the value out of Fold Plus for me. If they can restore the level of payers, even if they can only give 0.5%, I'd be back in. But, I'm skeptical ... PPBP was eating the CC processing fee so presumably it was unprofitable and why they nerfed it.

This is a great update from Yotta! Exactly the type of information they should be providing here.

I understand why they are doing this and in some ways appreciate the gesture but also it feels somewhere between lazy and malicious compliance.

I think they should approach this as journalists covering this story. Basically what Jason Mikula is doing on Twitter. They could literally write a daily digest of just his tweets and it would do a better job of showing they are closely tracking the developments and working to keep us informed.

Same bro! I got 789 here and been getting that for about six months too. I’m guessing it has to do with the number of cards I’ve opened in the last couple years, pulling my average account age down to under 4 years and blowing my inquiries up to 7. At least that’s what I think cuz those are the only two factors in the red according to SoFi. I think all we can do is wait, hold off on opening other cards, and hope.

As a person impacted by the Synapse-Evolve issue and who is choosing to keep most of my cash with WF, the claims in this comment are absurd. It is always a good idea to diversify and the motivations of folks who are scared off from the fintech model are valid.

It’s not a great lounge but I find it to usually be accessible, mostly empty, and right by my gate. Today it was so packed, there was a 30m waitlist. Grabbed a beer at the bar across instead.

Ironically, this is the type of behavior which warrants a tip.

Joe at Joe's Barbershop in the Castro

Pretty much every other post in this sub is this question — if you want more perspectives, you might read some other threads.

Personally I have some cash stuck due to the Yotta situation but thankfully I moved most of it to Wealthfront before shit hit the fan.

Yotta and Wealthfront have a similar model: your funds are stored in various accounts at various banks, with a middleman who moves the funds between the banks. In the case of Yotta, only the middleman knew whose funds were where ... and when the middleman went bust, there was a huge mess left. A lot of work is now needed to figure out where the money is and if all of it is still there (it's possible the middleman or one of the banks misappropriated some of the funds). As a result, those of us who are affected haven't been able to access our funds for several weeks. But I'm confident we will get most if not all of it back eventually.

What WF will tell you is that they are more strict about bookkeeping — they have their own log of whose funds are where and they require the banks to also keep those records. So if the middleman goes tits-up, or even if WF does, there's no real mess to clean up.

We only have WF's word to go off of but personally I find their statements compelling so I am keeping my funds in WF. But I also have funds directly deposited in a bank — if I lost access to my WF funds for a while, it would be an inconvenience but not catastrophic.

You gotta do your own risk evaluation and know your own risk tolerance. Generally speaking, it's not advisable to put all your eggs in one basket.

Good luck!

I'd rather have Loren Taylor in the job but I don't think Mayor Thao's done a bad enough job to warrant a recall. DA Price on the other hand ...

If you want Caesars Diamond, open a Wyndham Rewards Business Earner card for $99/yr. Gets you Wyndham Diamond which you can match to Caesars Diamond.