It depends how much you're buying. Ask yourself this. If the amount of bitcoin that you have on an exchange were to disappear (which historically always happens) would you be upset? If yes, then buy a hardware wallet or at least use an old phone or laptop.

If it was a casascius Bitcoin then yes, but it doesn't look like it is, sadly.

LMAO. No. Why would I sell an appreciating asset for a depreciating asset? I'd have to be dumb or desperate to do that. I'm neither.

That's not surprising that you haven't heard about it. Many Bitcoiners are sleeping on it or are lying to themselves about their reasoning for being in Bitcoin. We're still early. If you can understand decentralized and censorship resistant money, then you should be able to understand decentralized and censorship resistant communication. Nostr is essentially the glue that binds all of your social apps together via a portable digital social identity. It's incredibly powerful. And that is why all of the latest Bitcoin wallets and apps are integrating Nostr.

I send and receive thousands of sats every single day on Nostr. Please join us and you'll see that people use bitcoin daily. And after that, travel the world and use bitcoin in developing nations.

Yes. Not doing so is a disservice to your wealth.

That's weird. I was at my cousin's weddings over the past 8 years and no cookie table for them. Four weddings zero cookie tables. They're all from Pittsburgh area suburbs. Never heard of that before in Central PA.

I'm never selling my bitcoin for fiat. Why would I do such a risky thing?

My fellow Xennials. Seeing so many of your complaining that you have little to nothing saved but also understand that the economy and never ending inflation will rob you is saddening. You understand what's wrong with the economy. You understand that every single year at minimum 2% of your savings will disappear (a lot more the past 4 years), but you haven't made the final leap yet. Bitcoin is a way to opt out of all of this. You can buy as little as $1 worth at a time. Don't look at the prices today or over a couple months. You care about the price in 10 years. The goal is to never sell and use Bitcoin's value as an asset. Please do some research here before you dismiss it. You're going to miss out on the greatest opportunity of our lifetime. Read Broken Money by Lyn Alden. Then, you'll understand why our system is fucked and Bitcoin is the best solution we have. 🫂

Always buying no matter the price. I don't care about the price. I care about the number of sats I have. That's the real NgU.

In the mid 90s my aunt got married. She loved chumbawamba tubthumping. She asked me to have the DJ play that song for her. I asked the DJ shortly afterwards. I was a teenager. He looked at me and basically said get lost kid. I asked him again later, told him the bride wanted it played, and he just shook his head. He never played the song. It's been nearly 30 years and that DJ can go fuck himself.