They have the reaction of Sims. I can't say I'd react any differently.

It's a gift and a burden that we carry. We, alone, will take on the agitation of an asked frame until it's corrected, one frame at a time until the frames of the world are aligned.

That's the kind of positive attitude we need around here!

I like when the powdered sugar fell on the little girl at the end. You could tell the woman realized and then didn't know what to do so she awkwardly shuffled away.

I don't have an answer for you, but the left frame in the third photo is just slightly higher than the right one and it's driving me nuts.

I am constantly faffing about, so thank you for putting a term to it! It'll probably be my new phrase. :)

That's a good one. I had to look up almost half of those words.

Woah NSFW... I started to play this next to my mom. That was awkward lol

I knew about Macaws and African Grey's. But 100 years is still nuts, to me. Super interesting.

Branches falling will continue to be an issue. Cut it down now and save yourself anxiety from future issues.

I usually do an over-hand approach. I might buy one tomorrow ans start practicing. Any specific ones that you recommend?

I'm sorry for you guys for tomorrow. It sounds like you gave her the absolute best situation she could have gotten. She will always be right there with you, and you with her, in some sense.

Sleep deprivation sucks for everyone. I hope you all get some rest and have a better, fresh day tomorrow. Thank you, too!