I agree, combat feels too passive most of the time, it just doesn't feel fun even though I can beat it. But I'm extremally spoiled by sekiro, where fromsoft peaked with combat imho

I refuse to use shields for fashion reasons. If you don't go with knight like character, good shields won't match your looks. And good looking shields offer low damage reduction. And I upgraded my 2nd Morghotts sword for a reason,but entering dlc on ng+ was probably a bad idea :D

Yeah I have no idea about game developement. I speak about the way they communicate with community. It doesn't sound like they acknowledged that pre-dlc patch broke something

They used to have a lot of stuff wrong in their videos

I think it's both. Many of them volunteer cause they don't have many options (russia is piss poor country) but army is short on soldiers anyway, so others were consctipted

But the update they rolled just before dlc release killed it even further, thay have to do anything or just roll it back for those who don't have the dlc ffs, it's insane

It is bullshit reason, I don't have such apps at all, I never had and I have exactly the same issues anybody else has. It's infurtiating how they act about it in patch notes. Just admit you have no idea what's wrong with your software and tell if you plan to fix it or ignore it.

I wonder how it got released at all. Did they even test it? My fps got halved in base game areas after installing dlc

Evil exists so that the good in our life can exist, and so that we can exist as well.

Honestly, this is one of the biggest bs humanity ever came up with. There are people who never experience anything bad, and people who never experience the good thing in their lives. Does it make the former sad? never

I bought it last friday after work and I went to sleep at 8 a.m on saturday.

It's my first heli, it's ugly, it's constantly on the edge of vrs during hover, autopilot is more an obstacle than any sort of useful tool, but it's fun. I already dropped some troops on enigma server, I can't imagine being able to sling lift anything though.

I don't know how other helicopters work in dcs, but this one seems to be quite a challange. Every landing approach is like disarming a bomb, one wrong move with collective and it's over

Of course there would be plenty of scientific evidence, if god would move his allmighty lazy ass and revealed himself to people.

It's funny that you completly dismiss every rational explanation on the spot, but have no problem believing that invisible magic space dude pulls all the strings. Critical thinking 101

what if I don't use any mouse software except whatever windows have built in. And I experience way worse performance than it was before dlc? xD

Imho it's still worth to play dishonored both ways, it's completly different experience. One where you avoid killing and stay sneaky, one where you just go for open combat

Because antilock brakes don't "follow" any "branches". It just suddenly applies to most vehicles, completly ignoring whatever tree structure you come up with. And it's just one of many features, like seatbelts, alarms or air conditioning.

Living creatures can only transfer their "features" to their offspring

If you don't troll, just take it to debate evolution sub, or just learn something in that matter. Denying evolution today is like denying heliocentrism, we know that evolution is a fact. Theory of evolution simply describes this fact in scientific manner

I've seen some video mentioning it and i think it's also mentioned in ingame tutorial. But I don't really remember and I don't know if jester uses it

Today i was browsing through games I have installed but not finished, to find something to play. When I noticed Chimera Squad, I simply uninstalled xD

I think players manouver more than ai which is also a big factor. Sudden aspect changes also break lock on f4

Sos at first there are contacts on 1-6K, when you are just a little below cloud level. F4 radar has zero look down/ lock down capability.

With the helicopter I can't really say, but it might be related to sparrow itself. I bet enigma only allows the shittiest sparrows which are nowhere close to sparrows from f14 or hornet.

With the last guy I didn't notice any return on the radar screen. Besides you had visuals on a guy in front of you and jester was in wide sweep mode, you would have to communicate it to wso too. And maybe you were too close and too low, phantom's radar doesn't cover large part of the sky vertically. I don't play multiplayer yet, I train with bots and it seems like it's best to intercept targets from the same altitude. In this situation it looked like radar itself didn't see the bandid, so jester couldn't either

Lol, karma farming goes brrr. First 5 exaclty the same posts were okay, but now?