it is obvious of what she's been doing make it hard to defend those actions.

truth spoken from the right, document it or will say never happened

been there done that, got hit again in feb. they wanted to total and give appx 1400.00 told em where to stick it , still driving it with a basketball dent in read fender.

but think of who's on trial and remember he always hires the bestest

texas also, actually bought a car brought in bill of sale, dmv said to pay what blue book price

nitric acid cloud, have seen birds not make it through drop like rocks

why is the whole world depending on Florida, maybe their mind is not in the right capacity to function properly .

36 months or years ,the may start acting like insurance companies ,never know

well some places like texas does not have shops, these people still think weed is evil drug like in the 60's and most provider's remove them so cannot grow yer own. like did in the 70's