If we're going straight on black cola than for me it's easily RC, Coke and than Pepsi. If I could i would leave Pepsi off completely as I don't like it. Favorite soda for me is Dr. Pepper πŸ’ͺ🏻

I dunno but i never ever quit and my Internet lost connection and now I'm suspended. Who comes up with these rules? Ridiculous. I can see If I'm a serial quitter but I'm not and I rarely lose connection but because of 1 freaking time I get immediately suspended WTF !!!

This has to be fake click bait. Just do the most ridiculous food concoction and get attention.

Everyone gets paid in the nba and this is a perfect example. I really wish he was better but it is what it is. Guy has been below average and still managed to get 90 million.

Nah I'll just buy them off ringside if i want them at retail lmao

Just ignore. Report them for text/voice chat and do your thing. I only play quick play to practice new characters and I could care less how bad I am because obviously I'm learning new hero.

Really this simple πŸ‘πŸ». I play the game and enjoy it. I choose not to pay the ridiculous amount for "skins" no matter how much i may like it. 30-40 dollars for a skin etc is not worth it.

It just gets worse and worse w this company.

Offer up. A lot of gems for good prices usually. Just gotta look.

Yup and it's people complaining about the same stuff and keep going in to be abused by them πŸ˜‚

Reddit Algorithm and I constantly see the same complaints yet people still go there.

Old Chipotle skimped on meat which is why i stopped. Ate at Chipotle probably about 3 times in my life. Never went back.

I've been saying this. It's real simple just stop going. I stopped long ago when they first opened and realized they're meat portions are absolutely despicable and I refuse to beg employees for more meat if not than I have to pay double. Haven't had chipotle in over 10 years.

Yes I do and dominate as long as I have a semi competent healer/healers. I main Ram btw.

Honestly a well put together match. At one point i thought this dude was gonna win and the next etc well done. Awesome.

A cheese quesadilla at that not even a steak or chicken quesadilla πŸ˜‚πŸ’€

Yup. I literally had 4 dudes chase me down all the way back to their spawn which allowed my team to advance and capture the point. I happily died because i did my job and i could tell this particular team hated Sombra because how they all chased me down lmao πŸ˜‚

It's crazy how people constantly complain about eating at Chipotle but keep eating at Chipotle. I stopped eating here long time ago because the meat portions were absolutely despicable and i refuse to beg employees to give me more if not than have to pay extra.