


Yeah just like how many people think "the pyro" is a real class

A character in a shooter who's whole thing is using a flamethrower and whose only ranged "attack" relies on getting shot at by a soldier? So stupid

This is the no DLC version of being declared a galactic crisis

Yes, despite the fact that celtism is very common among galegist (even our anthem has quite a few celtic references) the link to them is really, REALLY old and today you cant see much evidence of it in our language

Thought its mark is definetly notable in the culture

Funnily enough the myth of the first Galician (Breogán) says that he built a tower so high you could see the coast of Ireland and that he invaded it but was killed

Only for his 8 great-grandsons to eventually come back and finish the job

I actually live in Galicia (in the upper left corner of the peninsula)

We basically have the same weather as the UK, even the sunniest days can turn into apocalyptic rains in a single hour

In the cities its very uncommon to hear people younger than 70 speak galician even thought they do understand and speak it (its taugth in school) while in the countryside its a lot more common, there's a lot of people here who came from latin america as during the middle of the 20th century (during Franco's dictatorship) so many galicians left the region that one of Buenos Aires' nicknames is "the largest galician city in the world" as there was at one point more galicians there than people in the entire region of Galicia

I think that Valve is giving this out as an extra for make-a-wish kids who ask for a TF2 item

Saw a post like 3 months ago of someone whose wish was a unusual and alongside it he was give a unusual golden pan

Dear god

My guy i've seen better crops in the irish famine, what the hell is this

The classic "you're only 8 persons away from the british throne" and said 8 persons are now dead

Just play it, have fun trying out all the classes and weapons (most of which you can get through easy achivements) and finding out your own playstyle

As such he is now banned from 73% of the country's establishments, including the presidential office

Lancea will arrive to kick him out shortly


You get to tell Axel to lick your boot and he's actually forced to do it

Why does the Kyrute one look so familiar...


Before starting the war there are 5 things you need to do:

  1. Save the RRN Valero, this will be almost useless in Golden shield but essential for Total tranquility

  2. Increase provincial levies, this will give you 2 sazon and azaro units instead of 1 sazon and azaro unit

  3. Whenever you can, invest in paratroopers and marines (leave mountaineers out, they're not really useful), once again these will be almost useless in Golden shield but key for Total tranquility's success

  4. Build the Romus military academy and Pales logistic hub, these will give you extra moves for the operations

  5. Expand your military industry, Monquiz port, military factories (support vehicles, tanks and equipment), etc. For the third time, these arent going to come into real use until Total tranquility

Now, for Golden shield we are going to fake an attack from the south and sabotaje their Air defenses (these are way more annoying than their sea defenses) but we ARE going to be actually attacking from the South and leaving our defensive units (one sazon unit right besides fort Ales, golden guard to the middle fort and infantry for the rest) on the northen border, we will spend the first phase destroying Pales Army on their western border (focus on destroying their tanks) and taking the first city, make sure to keep one tank division, one military ship, one submarine, at least 2 air strikes, your paratroopers and your marines on reserve and remenber that you can use the flagship and house units as these, unlike the other ones, will be refunded by the end of Golden shield

Now, for the second phase of Golden shield we are going to focuse on taking the other Palesian city, this one has an air defense behind it making It so you cant air strike it, i was able to capture both cities whitout air strikes but if you can't then you can bomb their northen tank division on their level 2 fort then use infantry and the sazon unit on the north to rush their air defense and capture it, by this point if everything's gone right then taking the second city should be a walk in the park and we could move onto Total tranquility

The turn before Total tranquility begins you have to train 2 support divisions, 1 military ship, 1 submarine and 4 tank divisions (we need 5 to hold the line and can only train 8 divisions at a time, this is why we kept one in reserve from earlier), once Total tranquility starts you will place the 5 tanks in the frontline and support units (including sazon ones) behind them, we wont be using these but we need to hold the line somehow

We will spend the entire first phase sinking the Palesian navy, once you've got the control of the waters arround the city of Pales itself controlled and you've sunk their flagship (use one of the airstrikes we saved up earlier to disable it and sink it faster) land paratroopers on their naval defenses and the marines anywhere else you can to surround the city, it is very important we dont lose a single one of these and the success of the operation depends entirily on them, there will be no reinforcements for them

By the second phase you should have Pales checked, whit their capital almost surrounded and their navy in the bottom of the antacean, bomb the city of Pales whit our final air strike, attack the city, support it whit the Valero and any other units nearby and that should be checkmate, since the objective in Total tranquility is just to capture their capital we just need to hold it until the end of the second phase and we will have won the war, i actually managed to capture all of their important cities by the end of phase 2 but the only one you need is the city of Pales

Enjoy making Axel lick your boot and sitting on his--no, your throne

I'll tell you why you should like Pales and hate Rumburg

Axel values Vina's consent and wont marry her whitout it, Beatrice doesnt see an issue whit marrying Vina to her direct cousin

Titus twist his balls counterclockwise and sell his son to Wehlen for 2 cents

ATA slowly influences the population of Zille and allows you to win the referendum fair and square (as long as you fund them all the way)

Su omina does the same except that instead of winning the referendum democratically they rise against wehlen and force the wehzek soldiers out (again, only if you fund them from the beginning to the end)

Its like militias

If you're using them in any way, shape or form then you've fucked up badly at some point