I feel like it is the perfect segment to do if he is yapping with the chat for a long time. Upload it in big A clips.

Interviewing chatters about their job segment.:atriocLove: Appreciation

Did anyone else love those streams where he interviewed chatters about their jobs? I personally really enjoyed those. Would love to see those make a comeback.


7 lbs is crazy, you would have dropped that weight even if you just waited btw. You were losing fat that whole time (aslong as you were in a deficit ofc)

Maybe it has something to do with Atrioc's friend slime?

Chocolate. I am aware that even a TINY amount could kill her, but any chance she gets she will try and eat chocolate. I had to stop leaving chocolate out, even if it was still in packaging. She would try to eat straight through the packaging. Is there like chocolate flavored cat treats? I know they exist for dogs, but I have not seen them for cats.

Thank you so much! Can I just keep adding new data to that and It will just keep adding it to the graph?

All the people who do that / follow those are almost always very sad and lonely people.

Help with getting averages bloodpressure of the month / week.Solved

So my dad has always had high bloodpressure, so I wanted to watch mine every few weeks / months. But I was trying to graph them in google sheets and it puts every entry in there as 1 data point on the graph. This makes it much harder to see trends in my bloodpressure. I tried some stuff with chatgpt but it keeps giving errors on any =AVERAGEIF formules. Is there maybe something wrong with my date / time settings? I set it to my country (Netherlands) and the format my country uses DD/MM/YY. Is =AVERAGEIF even the right thing to use in this situation? I am a total noob at google sheets but I have been trying for a few hours straight now and I can't seem to figure it out.


So is making a product like this a scam? The people are buying it as a peace of mind placebo wether they know it or not.

Probably because when you use light weights you tend to terminate a set due to the lactic acid buildup (burning) feeling and not the actual failure of the muscle. Going heavier with ok form makes it much easier to get closer to failure and thus gives much better results. Also it is only really ego lifting if you cant even use DECENT form for a few reps. So you might just be lifting right now and not “slightly ego lifting”.

Is your vacuum a hepa vacuum? Also wash your bedding HOT, make sure to get as many allergens of as you can. 

Its better than other companies for sure. But the presentation was very underwhelming tbh.

Just like almost all companies trying to push AI without actual solid functionality.

Thanks for the videos you put out. Genuinely puts a smile on my face. Also, are you planning on doing more videos / streams interviewing viewers about their jobs?

I know some hardcore republican airforce veterans that won't even vote for Trump this time. Thats how bad this shit is.

Could be water retention, could also be that you are just not eating below maintenance. If you really are in a deficit you WILL lose weight. It could take a few weeks to see the numbers on the scale drop, but if you truely are in a deficit you will lose weight, there is no other outcome.