What are they propagandaing? Am I supposed to be pro Iran now? Pro Pakistan? Anti-America? Pro-Toyota?

About the only real takeaway from a video like this is “neat”

You know how little kids explore the world by touching and grabbing everything? Sharks’ version of that is biting

I’ve had the pleasure of this experience here and in SF. It’s def not related to a specific stop b

Conversely, I hate playing opponents that know my deck to the point of it damn near being a medical phobia. Plus I hate the pressure of being expected to learn and know their decks. ONE AND DONE

Two unenthusiastic track-marked sex-trafficking victims? Oh boy, sign me up!

Do you know or remember where this was mentioned?

Because to your point this 100% me — I got to the point where I could take conscious manifestation for granted and was getting everything I wanted, and then just sort of thought…well I can have everything I want what’s the point in wanting anything?

So I fell back asleep. It would be nice to reawaken instead of starting back from square one.

Nobody had Topanga posters up in their room though. This was Pam Anderson all the way

Having a family makes you happy and fulfilled in the macro sense. In the day-to-day it is a brutal ceaseless thankless grind. The act of being able to just chill and finally do nothing is given value by its rarity; being able to chill and do nothing all the time would be aimless and unfulfilling.

According to gamers online, every product for sale is a literal war crime

why though it’s literally the best monetization

All us normies can ignore it. The whales have something to blow money on. SD keeps the lights on so I can keep playing free. Win win win

I think I may not have represented this point properly — that version of myself did not know I was being inauthentic, because I didn’t realize that I just didn’t actually like these girls. As far as I could tell, relationships with women (whom I didnt really like) were kind of a necessary burden to get see. And honestly there was a touch of resentment at women as well, this sense that I was being held hostage to a desire I had no control over and they were the arbiters of my sense of self worth. But in any case, I had just chalked it up to this being how the world works, and if you want regular sex you need to deal with it, so in that lens the relationship was working “fine” for me — there was no burden or motivation to end it

I mean…do you want the honest, brutal answer that is probably going unsaid?

Men and women at the age of the woman who made this video are playing fundamentally different games.

This was me in my 20s: selfish and wanting sex, partially for the physical gratification but mostly just trying to crush the gnawing sense of inadequacy that said I was an invalid man if I could not achieve sex easily from attractive partners. I wasn’t really interested in relationships, but women only seemed interested in sex if it came with one, so the only real way to get it seemed to be to go into relationships.

Here are questions women ask:

  • Why bother with relationships at all rather than just telling women all I wanted was sex? The simple answer is doing that didn’t seem like it would result in sex from the partners I wanted it.
  • Why not just pay for it? Paying for it would have satisfied the physical aspect, but that was really the lesser prize compared to the validation-aspect of convincing women I was worthy of them giving me sex.

Unfortunately for me, and the women I dated, this meant the only real way to get the sex and validation I needed was to act like I was into relationships. Which was…fine. I enjoyed taking girls out. I loved flirting, and the act of getting to really know someone is fun — but I was never an authentic version of myself because the goal wasn’t to find a partner, but to make her like me enough to have sex.

This of course caused problems when we got into actual relationships because our goals were misaligned: they wanted a partner, and I wanted to minimize the effort I had to put into continuing to get sex. I knew eventually this would lead to breakups, and so I was calibrating between how badly I wanted sex (and how fun all the normal interactions were), how much effort this required of me, and how painful the inevitable breakup would be. But the breakups were inevitable, both because I was unwilling to be an actual partner, and because breakups once again carried the tantalizing prospect of finding someone new.

It’s important to point out that while I can articulate this all now with the benefit of age and hindsight, 20s me had no idea he was doing any of this — it was just automatic operation by feeling. That version of me thought he was dating honestly, never realized the idea of paying for sex was abhorrent to him because it gave no validation, and thought women were crazy.

So to answer your original question, the reason the man doesn’t go “oh shit this isn’t working out let’s break up” is because for the person he is, and what he is after, that relationship state is actively accomplishing his goal and the eventual breakup is already a given to him. As the woman authentically trying to evaluate partners, the burden is unfortunately on her to realize the kind of man she is with and hit the eject button and hopefully find a guy who isn’t like that,or has grown out of it.

I just read the article to make sure it’s answered and yep, it sure is. Guess you’ll just have to wonder forever.

If you’re this big on equating pro-development with pro-developer, show the path where someone can be pro-development while being neutral on the developers themselves. Nobody gives a shit who makes money as long as more housing is generated.

That’s definitely a big flaw. I went into it as my first Yakuza game so had no idea who Majima was or what his deal was, but it was definitely shocking when I got to later games and was like “…so they’re never going to pay off what they setup in 0, huh?”

Still, that didn’t compromise the experience of 0, it more just illustrates how flat the following games were.

I also maintain that 0 is literally the only Yakuza game with a coherent ending — every other one has these amazing journeys with wonderful character arcs and then the endings are all incoherent daytime-soap-meets-WWE level melodramatic nonsense.

Still love the series though.

Sure, so let’s bound it to Reddit posts for the purposes of this discussion — there has always been a vocal cohort of people being poor on here (especially as Reddit skewed towards high school/college age kids). That poorness didn’t form the meta of how people approach the world, but now it does. It permeates and defines every conversation, and is The Main Topic. And just to reiterate, while that cohort was always there, it wasn’t The Main Topic. Even though I’m doing well, going out is painful; we have a calendar and we check off every day we eat at home and try to go entire months without going out.

Moving beyond Reddit, a scarily large proportion of people I know in real life are unemployed; for most of my life that number has been basically zero, with the odd blip here and there and of course a larger group during the last recession, but nothing like it is now. Speaking with Uber drivers and coworkers and contractors and parents at my kids school it’s largely the same — everyone is pinched, everyone is figuring out how to make a dollar last longer, and everyone is horrified at the price of groceries and necessary services.

These are things I’ve been privileged to never really think about, but now I am. And I would bet that my salary increase in the last few years offsets nearly every person I mentioned on here who is not doing well, so averaged across the entire population it matches the chart, but that growth has gone disproportionately to people who were already making a lot. Imagine how many normal people a single CEO whose pay went from 20 million to 35 million over the last few years would otherwise cancel out in these statistics.

RDR2 and Yakuza 0 are neck and neck, but I give it to Yakuza because you get a whole range of emotions from humor to embarrassment to accomplishment to bittersweet to outright sorrow. You definitely feel shit in RDR2, but that’s from a couple major story beats and otherwise most of the games greatness is in its immaculately perfected open world.

I’m doing well. I have awareness that my experience is not reflective of the majority. I believe that wage growth has gone entirely to people like me in the last few years. It only takes one person going from 200k to 300k to cancel out 10 people going from 30k to 40k; and in my case it’s like great, more money into savings, whereas those 10 30k earners could have had a material change in their life going up to 40k.

Can confirm. I’ve been like “can’t remember exactly what USAgent does but I’m pretty sure it’s just minus some amount from big cards, pretty inconsequential.” Then I played Red Hulk into him and am like….wait fuck

Exactly, it belongs on this list instead of Dead Cells, Celeste, or Fallout 4.

If it was I’d spend the $25 or whatever on it and just blow the rest on whatever because it’s all you need.

(I use Rimworld as my “plane game”. Going on a long flight? 18 hours to Sydney from LA? Start up Rimworld — you’ll suddenly be landing and wishing the flight was longer)

Thank you for putting New Leaf and not New Horizons, I would choose it

This must explain why things keep getting worse. The majority first person experience is that everyone has less spending power, but the data we track shows the opposite. So I guess we just keep gesturing at the data and telling people they actually do have more spending power while they cut out restaurants and trips and resign themselves to renting forever