I’m an Urban Designer, and I always like to say that “we are very rare. Not valuable; just rare”.

What is AMAZING is that evolutionary speaking, they are one.

I understand it’s fake, but the first thing that came to my mind was: “with his looks and her brains, this child will do just fine”.

But WHAT IS the helicopter joke now??? I wanna hear it!

Another installment of: shit we decided to master during the pandemic…

I'm American. My family immigrated from Chernobyl.

… as a friend of mine used to say:

“Thats a lot of 20-dollar hookers”

30 is fine… 40 is when the worry begins, and 50 is when everything starts hurting for no reason.

… and that, right there, is why we all love you, Jeff! One day, when you are full-beans-rich-and-famous, Leo here will have this picture framed and a great story to tell!

So… Jeff was working the streets and you picked him up, just like that…? Does not look suspicious at all… 🤨

Nothing to see, folks… Move along! 😁



Search YouTube for “Eddie Izzard Interprets Dog Language”. It will make sense then.

Here is the link: Assassins!

He’s Falkor! (Google it)