Don't care too much about them. I don't use expensive basketball shoes. Just regular ones.

Why does Webb have 2 earned runs right now if there was an error.

Trying to learn baseball more. I thought if theres an error then the runs becomes unearned and don't go against the pitcher. Why are they earned runs for Webb right now. There was an error in the 1st inning which caused 2 runs.

Lol that shit is so annoying bro. I hate it lmao. Apparently if you come onto the courts with shoes instead of slides at first, you're not a "real hooper". Stuff like that is just dumb. Gotta let your game speak on the court. Lmao

Inside obviously but have to play outside 90 percent of the time because outside is free and inside isn't lmao.

It was a strike 3 bru on sanchez, ump is just blind. Inning would've been over. Phillies prob win.

I agree for the most part, but I think he was just slightly off tge list fir superstar in his prime. Phenomenal player but not superstar level.

Was 5 7 now I'm 5 9.5 at 19 but still growing.

Klay Thompson cuz I'm a good shooter and learned how to move without the ball from him.

Sometimes it's natural to be good. I'm naturally rly good at shooting.

[GSW] Stephen Curry

Not halftime but 3rd quarter both times by Jordan poole

Just practice your jumpshot dude. If you keep trying it out you will see a consistent amount of strength u have to put into your shot and you should keep doing that.

Who do you think are the top 5 starting pitchers in the mlb?

Who do you think are the top 5 starting pitchers in the mlb?

I personally think zack wheeler is the best rn but I'm a casual. Rank your top 5 starting pitchers this season in the mlb.

What episode is the skips image from

[GSW] Stephen Curry

I think Luka goes off game 4 and doesn't foul out this time lol

Search on this subreddit, I remember someone posting a Google drive link to all the games.

[GSW] Stephen Curry

U were pretty fucking close lmaoo