Check on my wife and kid. My kid would be close to my age at this point. I hope my wife got benefit from my retirement fund.

Skinny jeans are a crime against fashion and always have been. Companies should be tried at The Hague for making them

Pearl Jam, Phoenix, not too long before the Roskilde incident. Moshed. Got kicked in the head. Would do it again

I'm 1,3,5 (somewhat strongly in 1) and my wife is 2,4 (somewhat strongly in 4). We are very very gen X in our taste.

We ran into 3 spawns for flyers. We also got the crack in the ground business once you complete the objectives, but it was reduced from having the towers destroyed.

We just ran into this. We found it helps, though is not perfect, to kill the flyer towers. Normally 3.

I’ve been using pdfexpert for more than a decade now. Excellent support, excellent reader, good bookmarking, and Ukraine made.

The 5e wizard is the worst version of the wizard there is. Flavorless in its lack of uniqueness, schools lacking any real difference in spells and thus people only shop for mechanical bonuses, and doesn't do anything better than anyone else. 4e had better wizards with their implements that made a concrete difference in what you cast. They've decided to encroach upon everything in the wizard's space with some other class.

I would expect more than 10 miles and less than 60, just as a guess. I pretty regularly can burn battery like mad and get 20 on my couple of bikes. It depends a lot on conditions - temperature (lower is worse), elevation gain (uphill is worse), and weight (as you know).

I'd plan a trip that is close - think 5 miles one way - that will let you get in and back comfortably until you can figure out the distance you can really go.

I would guess you aren't going to see the distance you'd like with the load you have, but I don't know your route at all.

I will say, just biking for long distances on an ebike was a lot of fun as a couple and as a family. I've done both of those, though with a teen child. Rails to trails are pretty nice for this sort of thing. Lots of places to stop along the way for potty breaks, food, etc. Different purpose than backpacking for sure.

I can't speak a lot about bike touring, but I can speak a small bit about the Aventon. It's a solid bike.

If you are shorter I might recommend the step through model. If you are shorter and got dat booty, you might find the sizing hard, as it'll feel a little narrow to step in.

Bearing a 240 pound man and with not as much pedaling, it'll do 25 miles over an average of flat ground on 20% charge, which is more than they rate it for. Why that is, I don't know, but that's what I saw when I rode my wife's in to work and back home (24 mile round trip, used 17% with a 6 hour pause between rides where it was stored inside, so there may be some temperature things there). I would be a bit surprised if it did 65 miles with 110 pounds of extra kids and gear with much uphill.

Build quality is solid. They sometimes have free spare batteries as a sale. It's a hub drive so it'll feel a little different than a regular bike, but you should be accustomed to it within the first mile or so. I was able to maintain 15 mph up a pretty reasonable climb (probably 100' over half a mile) in level 2 mode.

My wife's is small for me, but it was not really bad. I could easily use it as a scooter in a pinch. It's not an agile bike, with the big tires and relatively long frame, but it does the job admirably for casual rides over any terrain.

I would recommend finding some local bike shops that rent e bikes and see how you like them. They are fun, but you will develop preferences. Stepping directly into bike touring sounds like a recipe for spending a lot of money and not getting the full use out of your dollar. You may find you love biking and are not really interested in touring long distances.

Mega Mythras Fan

First off, he should read the section of the GM guidance in the back which talks about this. Short of it, endurance, willpower, combat style, influence, and a few other standard skills are all excellent choices.

Secondly, I would recommend he not think of all the skills like skills, but rather pick a couple things to be good at. The professional skills really define the character’s niche. Are you the healer, the remaster, the tracker, and so on.

One of the beautiful things about Mythras is you can be all of these things eventually, but it takes years and years.

As expected. When announced, even Elon was very cautious about it, Saying it was going to be a long time to get there. This is an important step and it will improve

Not one mention of Pearl Jam’s new album that debuted at #5 on the top 200? They’ve been putting out good music for years

Thanks anyways :) I did see some videos and it appears that directly on the rack is the way. Feels like a basket would be useful here

Question - did you put the bags in a pan and then cook, or just put the bags directly on the rack? Have you tried with just ziploc bags?

Hello, me, 14 years ago.

Yes, you do. Not yet, and not for the first couple of years, but you do.

The downside of having kids late is that it's hard to keep up with them and you are stuck in your ways. It can be quite the change. It will frustrate you.

The upside is that you and your wife are much more financially prepared. You're emotionally prepared. You are as ready as you can be to handle whatever comes.

I had mine at 38. Just the one. There were two miscarriages first. They sucked. But we got the one, and he's healthy and a good kid. He's kind, interesting, and fun. I'm proud of him. I look at him with pride and know he'll be ok.

I'd start trying now, honestly. You are just burning daylight on the other side. If you are talking about it, you probably do want them and aren't sure of what will happen. That's ok. You can't know. But you are as prepared as you ever can be. It is hard, but damn fun and rewarding as hell.

Dang, at these prices, it'd be worth it for me to fly down from Washington state, stay a couple of nights, then fly back.


The WiFi situation is certainly evolving. It's unclear the rhyme or reason to their upgrading. I didn't get the free WiFi on my first leg last time but did on the second leg, though the second leg was longer and over more remote areas. It was odd. our discord has a link and updates get published there too!

Not specifically BRP, but closely related, is Destined, which is based on Mythras (also d100, definitely BRP family). It does Spider-Man at its most powerful level. It could do some versions of Batman. Defenders and the Shadow are probably its lowest power level, and X-Men are its middle power level.

I know they still make Superworld for BRP. I don't have any experience with it

Sad feels - 1952 Vincent black lightning. I can't get through it without sobbing Energy feels - Vasoline by STP or Ace of Spades by Motörhead. Those ones will wake me from a coma