So happy you’re doing well! And anger is ok, you’ve recognised it and are working through it. That’s you realising you deserve/deserved better ❤️

Great work on the yoga, Pilates and friend group! Enjoy your new normal and the future you have created! 👏

Exactly hey. Sorry you’re (and countless others) in this situation too :(

I hear you. I’m in an almost identical situation, just found out. And my partner lost his job last week. 😭 Fucking sucks.

I’m also considering talking to an employment lawyer, but tossing up whether it’s worth it, or I just get out of somewhere that clearly doesn’t respect me… Just sucks that the market is so awful currently :(

Fun story, I had this happen to me many years ago when I got a work phone in Australia. After many weird and aggressive phone calls and voice mails, I googled the name they kept asking for. Turns out it was a guy who was convicted of drug dealing, who was now in jail. I tried explaining that the next few calls I got and they got more abusive towards me, so I started answering the phone with ‘Australian Federal Police Rainbow Cardigan speaking’ and gee, the calls and messages stopped shortly after that 🤣

I specifically avoided Kapiti, petone etc when house hunting a couple of years ago, coz you can clearly see thee suburbs are gonna be fucked by climate change… These people are gonna be the first to scream for gov help when they inevitably get flooded in coming years/can’t get insurance etc 🤦‍♀️

EBTG is amazing. Tracey Thorns voice is one of my favs

I’ve been watching a few videos by Gary’s Economics on YouTube recently (highly recommend them btw!) and he explains it as poor people spend their money on goods and services, rich people (iirc he describes rich people as those with £10million+) spend their money on assets.

It’s no wonder the wealth divide is growing globally when most of us spend everything we earn just trying to survive :(

Owning a multitude of toasters is my personal dream

I can think of a couple of guys I’ve known that would be like this, and have been in their divorces/relationships…. One of them is even English but thankfully has more kids than OOP so I don’t think it’s actually him 😳

For some reason whenever I’ve seen this land mentioned, I thought it was the chunk between the driving range and St Pats on Fergusson Drive… 🤣 Is that being developed for houses? That would make way more sense to me than where this actually is!

Phew, not that I can afford much for NOOD but I always like their furniture 🤣

Good tips on the pet food tho, screw those twats

Owning a multitude of toasters is my personal dream

💯 I’m going to steal this wording to describe my own colour from now on 🤣 It’s amazing

I love a lemon cheesecake and have on a couple of very special occasions ordered delivery from Yummy Mummy in Woodville. Apparently they have an akl store now!

It might be at the sweeter end for you, but you could add some grated lemon rind to the lemon curd for some extra zest?

I LOVE this show! Also love that Nathan Fillion is in a couple of eps so you get a bit of a nod to Firefly/Serenity too 🥰

Ouch, just checked ours and it’s just under$4k pa for UH. 130m2 plus sheds, $730k replacement value. From memory it went up almost $2k last year so not looking forward to this years renewal later this year 😭

NTA - she sounds like a deeply insecure, awful person. FWIW, as soon as I saw the SILs name. I’ve never met a Cassie that wasn’t abusive and a terrible human 🤷‍♀️

Owning a multitude of toasters is my personal dream

I related hard to that part 😭 My ex-husband used to get angry with me and give me the silent treatment when I bought him the wrong flavour yoghurt… Even though I’d ask him what flavour he wanted before I went shopping, and he’d always say to get him any…

My therapist later told me he was the reason I didn’t want kids - because I already had one and he was 40yrs old 🤣 she also told me he was a grown man who could buy his own damn yoghurt. She was good value. I wish OOP had had her as a therapist.