I recently bought some random pre rolled joint which was called santa maria. It didn't make me very high, just relaxed and even energetic.

Turns out it has lower THC content, now I buy 3 grams of the most regular Dutch weed and 2 grams of santa maria. I like mixing it with 'regular' weed or smoking it on its own.


Aldi cheap extra strong lungo nespresso cups.

I don't have very high standards when it comes to coffee.

Regular chargers and cables are absolutely fine. I've been charging mine with a Logitech USBC cable and occasionally use my laptop charger


Is there any reason why this can't be a teams call?

Because imo there isn't a better alternative.

The new jams feature is great for making shared queues with multiple people.

Spotify connect works seamlessly.

I can download music offline on my Garmin watch.

There are loads of user made playlists.

Spotify's personalised mixes are decent.

Easy podcast listening.

And it's all free for me because my dad pays for the whole family. Otherwise it would cost me 3 euros for a family subscription or 5 euros for a student subscription.

Couldn't the mineral composition of the Dutch water and imitate it in the UK?

They did this with a Dutch beer brand from the province of Limburg (the brand is literally called Brand). They wanted to mass produce it in Zoeterwoude so they analysed the water used and recreated it there.

The Netherlands

Interesting graph format

I just want to feel normal and not like the guy who doesn't fit in.

I don't want to be the person that is always alone.

Waar studeer je? Vaak heeft je Hogeschool / Uni genoeg plekken om rustig te zitten. Ik ben gewoon een keer door de gebouwen gaan lopen waar ik nooit kom omdat mijn studie in één gebouw op de campus zit. Toen heb ik een aantal rustige plekken gevonden waar ik nog nooit was geweest.

Van welke school is die groepsapp? Ik zit op de HAN en heb hier nooit iets over gezien

I'm also dreading this. If I don't find something new over the summer I have to move back home. At first I didn't mind it that much since I am 22 and it would only be for a half year and I would move out when I graduate and get a job with good income.

Now my parents mentioned that I would need to adhere to their rules. Of course that's fair and I would contribute to groceries, cooking and cleaning but my mom mentioned that alcohol on weekdays is also not allowed (although my parents regularly drink a glass of whiskey before bed on weekdays).

They're not very conservative or outspoken against weed but they have never done it and aren't positive about it either.

What I'd do is only get pre-rolls from the shop and get a tube to keep it so you only have one small tube.


Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun—
Thunder, th-th-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thun—
Thunder, th-th-thunder, thunder

I went to Aegina for 2 days for fun but the Island is pretty chill. There's not a lot to do but the sights are beautiful and the terrain seems like it'd be great for hiking, although we didn't do that.

Another benefit might be that it's close to Athens so you're back in a big city with an hour ferry ride.

:flag-nl: Netherlands

In stores definitely card, either the actual card or the card being on a phone or even a smartwatch.

Online iDeal, creditcard is an option most of the time but iDeal is way easier and not everyone owns a creditcard. iDeal is also used to transfer money to friends using payment request links texted to each other (tikkie for example).


Those drains are known to not drain very well, I think the only thing you can do is clean it regularly.

Tot 10 km leegrijden kan inderdaad spannend zijn maar langzaamaan raak je daar ook aan gewend.

Het helpt dan wel dat je 100% zeker weet dat je op plaats van bestemming kan laden. (Wat wel een sterk argument voor een eigen laadpaal is)

Een gangbare elektrische auto kan 350km rijden, in het weekend ergens naartoe is prima te doen dan. Langere afstanden onderweg even snelladen.

Je moet al erg achteraf wonen als je geen publieke laadpalen in de buurt hebt staan. En als je achteraf woont dan heb je vast wel weer de mogelijkheid om een laadpaal te installeren.

Ook niet normale laadpalen in de buurt of mogelijkheid om te laden op werk?

I wouldn't use it just as a camera, for a phone the camera is decent but nothing more than that. You apparently do have unlimited Google Photo storage so that may be a benefit.

The phone itself is still very good in my opinion, never had a phone be this good after 2 years of heavy use.

Misschien niet vergelijkbaar zwaar maar ik ben paar jaar geleden met mijn vader naar Stubaital in de Oostenrijkse alpen geweest. We zijn wel eerder in die buurt geweest met het hele gezin maar juist het feit dat we met z'n tweeën waren en ik wat ouder was (20) maakte het zo leuk.

Je kan dan zelf kiezen hoe uitdagend je het maakt, er zijn genoeg makkelijke wandelingen te maken maar ook behoorlijk zware. Juist het heerlijke wandelen en genieten van eten en drinken samen maakte het zo onvergetelijk.