The crafting order and profession system was designed to sell tokens. It’s not a popular topic in this sub.

Biggest thumb down for Bakersfield. Good margs and drinks, but damn the tacos are bad.

Saj on Beech Daly in Dearborn Heights is also top tier. I’d say it’s better than Hamido for sure.

As big as Biden implying he could walk 18 holes while carrying a bag? He couldn’t even walk off stage on his own power.

I think making them both carry a golf bag 18 holes would be a great outcome. They’d both keel over in the first 2 holes and we could vote for more competent people.

I don’t think getting into a mudslinging contest with Trump would have been a good idea last night. Trump was able to talk fast and in mostly complete sentences and thoughts (regardless of the actual content of the sentences).

Like the second or third question Biden mumbled then completely trailed off and lost his train of thought. It was not good from the beginning.

It seemed so rehearsed. The way he answered every question like he was reading bullet points was strange. He’s start every answer with “Number 1…., Number 2….”

I didn’t mean to imply Mojave and Imperial were bad because they aren’t authentic. They’re bad because the food sucks. Good margaritas and fun bars, but shitty tacos.

There’s a video of Micah Parsons going 1:1 with some sumos I think from this offseason. The sumo doesn’t get completely flattened. Micah definitely moved him off the spot though.

Ya I’m big on the imperial and mojave hate train. The food is just terrible at both places. $8 for a dry taco with a cold tortilla that wasn’t even put on the grill. If you don’t wanna hit Taco Tienda because you want to go to a bar Aldana on Maple in Troy is really, really good. Family owned, authentic, not pretentious.

I’m sorry but they have awful food. It’s like shitty white people suburban Mexican similar to Imperial. Dry tortillas that aren’t even heated. Go to Taco Tienda on John R for the real stuff. It’s not a bar or a sit down place, but places like Mojave and Imperial really grind my gears. Shitty food straight up.

You can tell Mike likes working with Stoney better as well. Rico adds next to nothing and there are times where he genuinely doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but still throws out some lukewarm take. I don’t understand how Rico Beard is still a the air.

I fought in high school and now I have a degree and make six figures.

Fractured influenced items. Haunted fractures. Perandus pact jewels.

At least half of the applicants for any job are foreign nationals with 2 Masters degrees and no domestic work experience who need visa sponsorship.

Did you consider managing your employee?

Especially bad golfers who want to play every single shot as it lies. I don’t need you to lay on the ground and chop it out of the bush then take 2 more to chop to the fairway. You’re making a 10 anyway, just drop one somewhere closeby where you’ll actually have a shot.

I feel like there’s so many McDonalds managers on this sub that want to fire people for leaving at 4:55 instead of 5:01. Especially for knowledge based office work, measuring employees on the deliverables for their job is far more important than the amount of seconds their butt is in a chair.

Maybe this is different if OP is running a call center or something, but it doesn’t sound that way.

If watching the time clock is the only way you can judge employee productivity then you are fucked.

Pretty cool picture really. They both look like they’re having a good time and are relatively relaxed.

The other guy he was supposedly interacting with wasn’t looking up from his parachute at all or acknowledging him at all until the Italian PM comes over and guides Joe to the right spot at which point JB puts his sunglasses on in extreme almost cartoonish slow motion. I wouldn’t vote for Trump in a million years, but Joe Biden is clearly not all there.

Idk. Tiger battled pretty hard on Friday and played a decent round. He just couldn’t get putts to drop. The course was extremely hard and he played better golf than multiple younger major champions.