Yeah, ok worker ant.

If you put a single use hand warmer back in a vacuuming soda bag. Would that stop the heating process ????

I weigh 220 pounds so i skate 8.37

General consensus is you're a bitch, Your ex Husband deserves better : unbiased opinion

No next time put a plane next to it for size a 747 is fucking huge dumbshits im convinced your 5 years old.

Lack of fashion sense you mean?

At first i thought i was watching a skate 4 video

They keep the allure of mystery so as to not be understood and eliminated. We fear what we don't know.

Seriously shes a fucking dumb twat

At its core, the scenario depicts a young individual striving to improve their environment. While their approach may be misguided, it serves as a striking illustration of the intense and often irrational collective response observed. This is particularly evident in the context of our argument that liberals tend to overreact when a youth expresses non-support for transgender issues. The disproportionate and heated reactions often resemble an uproar, marked by metaphorical 'swinging and banging on bars' within the societal primate 'hive mind.'

Not the same at all just the same movement you can do that with so much

Lot of uneducated people not educating themselves before vomiting disinfo you dont get negative ions standing or sleeping on a ungrounded bed its literally science just look up some explanations.

Yall are all fucked, i literally fucked around and found out pointing a laser in night sky had a astrange dream which led to this weird ashtar command shit.

I can tell you are either a child or uneducated.

So I had been back skating for about almost a year, im thirty years old and we were babysitting my nephew's dog which was a pitbull A rather big one of that Anyhow, I thought it would be awesome when We walked him to let him put me on the skateboard. Needless to say, he started running full speed. And it was a bit of a right road. I had too many juice wheels, so it's kind of cool, Suddenly he makes a right turn cause he sees a squirrel And so I think quickly. Well, I have to let go otherwise. I'll yank him and we'll both get f***** u* So I let go and there I go riding Hands free, but about 30 miles per hour mind you Then suddenly my world stops.... I feel this Jerking , I hear a scraping sound and then I'm launched crashing Forward scraping my knee. So I get up like what the f*** I guess I hit a rock right? No incorrect, what actually happened was a baby's little poopy diaper was wrapped around my skateboard wheel. Somehow in the excitement of being pulled by this pit bull. I miss this little stupid pamper. And so yeah, f*** my knee up because of a pamper.