He tried taking lessons once and it seems from his quote he didn't like it. You are claiming he took lessons another three times without any evidence

What makes you think he took lessons and that it wasn't a friend giving him some practical advice, like Peter Straker or Elton or any of his musician friends?

part of the problem was to get the rights to the music, 

They made the movie...

  "seral stage" could essentially be used interchangably with "successional stage". 

I've certainly seen them used interchangeably in Spanish.

I put it in storage because the green thing with the spikes freaked me out. What is that supposed to be? Some sort of serpent dragon thing? Demonic lol

To answer your question, I suppose they don't have enough people to look at each report, and many farms would end up getting blocked from kids/idiots reporting unnecessary things

I had a college friend do something like this to me. She was quite a cold person. Found out later she had APD

Chicken valley is not that hard, people just don't know how to play it.

Forgive my ignorance, but what's different about seeing it on streaming if you've already seen it on DVD or youtube? 

The album charted at number 6 in the UK, I wouldn't call it flop. It certainly wasn't as commercially successful as Queen, but people acting like it was a total disaster are drinking the movie Kool-aid

I don't get it. They took more diamonds than he bought?

It doesn't discourage thought. It categorizes the type of question in the framework of evolutionary theory and explains why the answer will always be the same to this type of question.

Were you having ultrasounds before that or nothing at all? In my country you get breast ultrasounds until 40 and then they start doing mammograms

The evolutionary reason is that it works. It's good enough to keep the whale alive and have offspring so the traits got passed on.

For an ecological explanation read this: https://sharkresearch.earth.miami.edu/the-transfer-of-energy-within-a-food-chain-why-do-large-whales-feed-on-small-plankton/

I never get these types of ads. Mine are all about innocent mobile games lol

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."