First off, the bad faith I am speaking of is self deception: lying to yourself to escape the fact that you are entirely responsible for every choice you make. This is an existentialist understanding of the term. All students have a choice to go to college. Nobody is truly forced. Any claim to the contrary is necessarily self deception. People are radically free and radically responsible for their decisions. If these students value their education enough to fund an apartheid, that’s their choice. But it is still a choice—not a forced hand. Plenty of people do not go to college, and that’s fine too. Your implied premise that these students need to come back is just plain wrong. They value returning more than they value protesting apartheid.

Options beside UIUC include: trade school, community colleges, other colleges that don’t invest in Israel (there are a few!), and jobs that require a HS diploma.

Not attending UIUC isn’t really comparable in terms of consequences to not paying taxes. I choose to pay taxes because I know I will lose my freedom if I don’t and I value my freedom and do not want to involve my family in the carceral state. Not attending UIUC does not carry any such consequences.

I mean if any of them come back next year I think it’s fair to say they are protesting in bad faith. Demanding divestment and immediately turning around and giving money to the University that is still invested in Israel is absolutely hypocritical. They are free to attend an alternate university, but some will actively choose not to. Those who pay tuition next year better realize that they are as much the problem as the university.

Hitler deeply cared about Germany.

This completely invalidates your worldview that “it’s not evil to ‘protect’ something you care about”.

Political affiliation is not a protected class and I have and will continue to discriminate on it. I absolutely have vetoed trump nut apartment-mates and I feel literally zero shame.

Could you please disambiguate the following portion of the charter of the democratically-elected government of Gaza:

“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

If this is the ethos of Hamas, the democratically elected government of Gaza, I don’t see how the authors conclusions are so far fetched. Hamas has grounded its mission in a radical Muslim theology—which, like many forms of Christianity—is a dominion theology. A system of belief that posits that its followers are destined to (with the help of an almighty god) triumph over all other peoples. With the belief that god is on their side, literally nothing is morally wrong, except that which goes against their intifada.

SJP is echoing slogans of this organization. The author is more or less arguing that they don’t understand the weight and theocratic “justification” of what they are saying—which is absolutely a reasonable take.

If the cops involved get anything less than life imprisonment with zero possibility for parole I’ll be pissed. Make them the property of the victim’s family.

And you have rejected that freedom from sin by wasting your life on Reddit. Would Jesus really be on Reddit? Or would he be out helping the poor? It is clear by your actions that you hate Jesus with your whole heart. You are just a performative christian; you “pray” and “evangelize” for attention but don’t believe a single word. Why do you hate your god so much?

This applies to literally no one in this conflict. The right side of history is whoever steps in and absolutely destroys the IDF and Hamas.

The bus driver was actively enforcing a racist law.

The maintenance worker isn’t supporting Israel in any sense really. Certainly no more than the vicious apartheid-supporting tuition paying students who pay tens of thousands of dollars to the apartheid-supporting institution.

I’m sorry, your emotions are not valid and you are not allowed to share them. Only u/VAShumpmaker gets to have feelings around here. If she doesn’t feel tired of the never ending Israel-Palestine news cycle you don’t get to be tired of it either. Thems the rules.

Yeah the Zionist scum here are insane! Have you ever read Israel’s charter? Here’s a filthy except:

“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Jews fight Moslems and kill them. Then, the Moslems will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Jew, there is a Moslem hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

Absolutely sickening!

I mean I agree with you with your argument that the person sounds ignorant, but you are also a classist asshole.

American who never left the country

Do you know how many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and will never have a vacation—let alone leave the country? Your comment is insanely ignorant and makes me think you are really just a performative leftist. Nobody who actually understands class dynamics would ever, ever leave this comment.

Check your privilege.

Are you here to receive my limp penis?

Or the weekly toothpick prick 😖

Also mid 2000s Hugh Laurie is smoking hot (and a really good actor)

As the song goes, Old New York was once New Amsterdam.

If you are interested in getting AI to play games, start with OpenAI gymnasium. Hardware just complicates things at early stages.

This sub (JU) is particularly obsessed. The amount of successful posts this week about JU bc trump is insane.

Something something…10 people at a dinner table with one Nazi…something…dinner table with 11 Nazis.

I’ve read the entire Bible.

There is absolutely no reason a book that prescribes stoning as a punishment for gay sex should ever have any influence on how I act.

Rot in hell.

Canada isn’t a country though, it’s a future colony of the unparalleled American Empire.