Can we get this translated into English? I'd love to know what's going on.

At the apartment complex I lived in about a year ago, one of my neighbors would talk about a friend who was an old gay man. Apparently he was getting a lot of messages from "supposed" young gay men asking for money. He was unfortunately very lonely and would sometimes actually give them money. Nothing my neighbor said to him could convince him that these people were just scamming him. Honestly sickening because one of the worst things you can do is scam children or the elderly.

Chinese tourists are the worst by far.

gasp You can't say that on Reddit. Hell, maybe this sub is safe? Normally you say something reasonable or talk some mild trash about their absurd tiktoks and you have 20 chinese people calling you racist in the comments almost immediately.

Either the latter considering how the dude reacted to getting puked on or it's staged. I'd say that they're all just really shitfaced.


That counselor is a spineless fucking coward and children who bully need to learn not to do that. One of the best friends I ever had as a kid started as a bully. That MFer even threw rocks at me. I kept my mom in the loop and one day when we were driving home she spotted him and gave him a damn righteous sermon about being an asshole for no reason. We were best friends for years after that until he moved about an hour away and it just wasn't feasible to hang out. This was around AOL time, so it was next to impossible to keep in contact unfortunately.

It being on an rp server is an instant no from me. Basically all of the names I could use would be reportable for forced name change (they're not even dirty or anything) and I'm saying that having had it happen on retail thanks to players with nothing better to do. Best of luck though.

Crazy. I'm near 40 and have committed 0 felonies.

Yes, it's a great rate actually. You really shouldn't be upset with it. You can do more than that and still be healthy, but that's not the point. I was being aggressive, but you should still count calories AND work out a bit if you're at that weight.

Tell your friend to eat less. Not saying this to be rude, but I've been there. Working out helps, but it will not beat your meals. I'll say this for the people in the back, you cannot work out enough to beat your stomach. You need to learn control.

Misclassify? That's being insanely generous. He used campaign funds to pay off a porn star that he fucked behind his wife's back and then tried to cover it up. Why are so many people trying to cover for this fucking guy of all people? This supposed billionaire couldn't be fucked to use his own money for this, which is hilarious. If he had, we wouldn't have probably had this case at all.

My aunt used to work at Walmart and complained about shit like this all the time.

That's still decent advertising for a screen like that. More people than you think punch like they're fighting in a dream.


Also the length of the races remains the same. If you get tired and cannot finish you get disqualified and have to sit in time-out.

Hell, I'd liken this man to a pregnant woman if that would help them suffer less from falls.

Right, per my comment, not saying it's bad, but damn I'm lazy. Tie that shit off with what works from what my friends taught me and call it a day.

He took like 5 steps because he couldn't regain his balance because of his weight

No, because of his age. This man is overweight, but not holy shit obese. Saying he tripped due to his weight is some extreme copium shit. Get over yourself.

Something I noticed in texas. Driving through would see vehicles on the side of the road for weeks. Just broke down for whatever reason and everyone would treat it like it's part of the scenery.

I lived in texas for a few years and this is crazy accurate. Drove past the same construction for over a year in certain places.

You can't fix things with unreasonable people. She's not saying that she's going to go through years of abuse, but be outspoken about stuff is what I got from it. Like, if you're a reasonable person but shouted at a waiter on a bad day and then I give you shit for it. If afterwards you apologize for your rudeness...good shit right?


Dude, I looked at this and immediately thought it was a fishing knot. No thanks. Just gonna keep on like I always have and catch some bass thank you very much.

How do you even recover from being called that on camera and in front of so many people after being punched in the face?

Still makes me laugh when everyone in the news had countdown timers and shit and James Cameron was like, "When I heard they lost comms and tracking and such, well yeah, they're dead." And then the news just continued on like ocean jesus was going to save them.