It also keeps a lot of seniors in their homes as their fixed income has not kept up with the increased costs to live, including property taxes.

If you find you get comment that you have an inside take away it might be your trail arm rolling vs wrist cocking. You might benefit from something like the prosendr to get the right feel.

I know this because it's my problem as well. Wheni make sure to keep a wider takeaway (not roll the trail hand to bring it back too inside) and also have a nice wrist set, it helps a ton.

Another training aid that helps with wrists is the gsnap

Terminally online person makes post about other terminally online person.

Both have too much free time and spend their Sundays pontificating about something going on somewhere.

If eitlher had friends and family, they would spend Sunday time with them.

PSA many people are scared shirtless every time they get behind the wheel and thus wait unnecessarily.

It seems the majority of people who attend these things are pretty ashamed of their action (to attend), by wearing a mask.

My guess is that this will work and all bus stops will now be smoke free. Thanks OP! πŸ‘‹

HDCP 13.6 - Canada

Interesting. I am just starting to use a knock off of the Prosendr, which I tried. Create really good positions that make my ball stop faster. So, I wonder if part of it is your swing.

I think this version is sub par.

HDCP 13.6 - Canada

Well, we have no footy, so also nobody activated their camera... to be expected I guess.

HDCP 13.6 - Canada

It would seem that the other officers and the dash cams of all their vehicles should have been recording.

Here me out, they were at a scene of a fatality and investing.


HDCP 13.6 - Canada

I used to like Morikawa but now I can't stand him. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

That's just the committee that is voting to create the committee of managers who will be on this task.

This is the senario, if I asked you to name a random city. After you did so, I can ask why you picked that one. You might rationalize why you chose the city you named, but do you really know. The claim starts by saying you don't.

Then the claim Sam Harris has made is that if we could reset your brain chemistry back to the moment I asked and did that 100 times. You would give the same response each time.

It's not fate, it's just that the idea that you have any choice is false.

Well, I tend to agree with you.

That said it is always good to try and understand other points of view. If you're interested in the idea that we don't have choice, check out Daniel Dennet and Sam Harris on this topic, pretty interesting.

Well, I agree with you... but also, many people don't see it that way. Have you ever felt like you had no other choice but to do x?

Humans are funny how we pigeon hole ourselves into believing we had no other choice. Typically, there is always another choice, but people can be blind to it.

For those in thr throws of addiction, perhaps there is something that can be said about choice.

Taking this to a whole other level, Daniel Dennett, may he rest in peace, presents an interesting argument thay humans have only the perception of choice and really free will doesn't exist at all, but rather is something we think is real because of how we experience reality.

The point of waiting in line is not being a jerk. Just because others are jerks doesn't mean you should be too.

Went for dinner there, and I wasn't paying. It was very good. I don't have enough money to go again tho. Lol