Literally everyone predicted Keir Starmer. Literally EVERYONE. He's the Labour leader and everyone knew Labour would win by a landslide, more than a year ago.

This war started in 2014 after an american-backed coup to overthrow the government and installed zelensky.

You tried, I guess.

I'm really baffled at the sheer amount of people who regularly talk out of their ass about international issues they clearly have no idea about. It's just embarrassing.

Predicted by you and literally everyone else in the world, lol.

We now have an openly Israeli loving dog as a prime minister.

As opposed to what was there before...?

Joo wife


I'm not Labour fan but come on man.

Man wants to retire to California on his wife's untaxed money.

I mean, he never had a chance.

It wasn't a snap election. It was called because it had to be. Legally it has to happen every 5 years.


Americans, learn some shit about other countries, I'm begging you.

No, he's still president and will remain, unless he willingly steps down.

Because seemingly all Western leaders are getting the boot. Why now is the question, and who ordered this?

He lost an election. He's getting the boot because he was voted out. For this specific case, 'now' because he ordered the election to be yesterday knowing it had to be by the end of this year.

What are you on about

He lost an election. It's massive news on every news site and mainstream subs. What are you talking about?

This is always true.

Appreciate your reference to The Stand though.


Oh yes, you are certainly the pinnacle of critical thinking, even here on "far left Reddit".

You didn't reply to my post at all. I wasn't talking about the general population, I was specifically talking about THIS SUB, as stated in my first sentence.

Please feel free to prove me wrong. For my first point - here's a direct quote from Bradley Edwards' book (Epstein's lawyer), admitting that, yes, Trump was superficially helpful, but then explaining exactly what I wrote in my last comment.

He (Trump) was one of the only people who didn’t resist talking with me about Epstein and instead provided helpful, often corroborating, information (couched as rumors) that I used to focus my investigation on some of the people “rumored” to have more knowledge.


Over the next few years, I spoke to several other witnesses who told us that they had been introduced by Jeffrey Epstein to Donald Trump. Some had seen him at Epstein’s office, others at one of Epstein’s homes, at parties or social events, and even on Epstein’s plane.

In fact, Epstein bragged to certain young women in his life about how he had bailed Trump out of bankruptcy and how Trump was indebted to him. None of them knew whether there was any truth to that claim, but given Epstein’s life it seemed believable to them.

In 2019, I saw video from 1992 of Epstein and Trump together, suggesting that Epstein and Trump were closer social friends than I had been made to understand during my discussions with Trump.

It's hard to prove a negative so I won't try - but I look forward to you proving that Trump and Epstein DID 'break up' because of anything related to his pimping out young girls AND that Trump testified against Epstein. Just can't wait to see those facts!

Edit: lol downvoted with no reply.

That same lawyer later said he realised Trump was holding stuff back from him and was more involved than he admitted. Also, there is no evidence Trump and Epstein 'broke up' because of anything related to his pimping out young girls. Also also, Trump never testified against him.

Show me some proof, if it's so ubiquitous.

An entire list of high ranking pedophiles from Maxwell is being protected by the government to this day because many of its own were clients of hers for her child sex trafficking.

Protected by both Republicans and Democrats, neither of which are Leftist.