I was going to ask you about lasik but I'm sure you've probably explored that option and rejected it.

What's your issue?

Dude.. you gotta read The Stand. In my opinion his best book. Look for the unabridged version.

At 60 that amuses me.

Ya I'm not physically as strong nor do I have the endurance I used to. I've got a few medical problems that are annoying as hell.

Getting 'old' may suck but it beats the alternative. Frankly how I'm alive today baffles my mind but I've had a hell of a lot of adventures and fun getting here.

My advice is to grow up as early as you can but never grow 'old'.

essentially a life long conservative here and a 'boomer' as well. To me Biden hasn't made a lot of 'splash' but he's done a fairly decent job as far as I've paid attention. So he's not great at debates. I wouldn't be either. I like to take my time to think through things before I respond. One 'bad' debate shouldn't have people 'jumping off of bridges'

Trump? In my opinion anybody that votes for that lying, criminal, psychopath, is a mouth breathing idiot.

I'm just talking about society back then and how people were expected to act by the majority of people back then. I'm not making any moral or ethical judgements.

I actually have a theory behind that. Back when these two were younger divorce was very much looked down upon so they learned how to deal with their issues and stay together and wound up having moments like this. These days it's relatively easy to get a divorce and nobody raises an eyebrow.

Not saying what's 'right' or 'wrong' but that's my theory.

'And yea the lord saw Dave and said 'fuck you in particular'

As a fan I hope he doesn't and puts together enough great seasons including a Superbowl or two and shuts his haters up. You'll never get rid of ALL of them but surely some will get tired of the taste of their own feet.

But Louis was obviously bringing in his own clients on his rep as a financial genius. Harvey got his own but surely Louis was bringing in his own. Not saying you're wrong at all, but that's what my supposition has always been.

I though Lewis was bringing in his own clients thus the statement early on when he said (talking about Harvey to Jessica) 'my billables destroy his'

My dog 'enzo' what my escape artist of my litter of stray puppies. She could get out of her pen at will while the other dogs couldn't. I got them all rehomed to good people but I kept Enzo.

GOOD! Future generations would put time and money into renewable 'clean' energy. And yes I know making solar panels is a pretty nasty business as far as some of the raw materials are concerned. But I still think solar, wind, micro hydro, etc, are ways to go.

My back yard was a 'grass will not grow' zone because of the shade. Last winter I planted clover and it's great. Plus it doesn't need as much water and I don't have to mow it but once a month.

Good question OP I've wondered that myself. Even read down through the comments and all I saw were a bunch of failed attempts at humor. So I looked it up for us


prvacy fence? They'd get lots of shots of me whipping out my dick and taking a piss.

She's obviously a witch. She just apparates in

Good stuff here listen to them.

OP I used to get them fairly regularly and the first few times freaked me out as well. But I learned that when I feel one coming on don't fight it. Just try to relax, breathe deep, and stuff Victor said.

Now when I feel one coming on I just relax, let it do it's thing, and not fighting against it seems to me keeps them at least mild instead of severe.

Good explanation

That explains why it came out that Louis had so much money. He has the highest billables in the firm.

He is still the obvious choice and I say that as a life long conservative. Trump and his cronies have severely damaged the US. Time for the 'leadership' of the GOP to head out to pasture and get some new ones that give a shit about human rights and freedom IMO.

The decision to overturn Roe V Wade particularly incensed me.