tight tank top with nursing pads wedged in. Less restrictive than a bra.

This site makes money from getting you to by things they link to in articles, so I take their "testing" with a grain of salt.

Is she colicky? My first fed constantly and I think it was because she was looking for comfort at the breast. In hindsight I wonder if I was overfeeding her. But it's so hard to tell.

Most restaurant food has vegetable oil, which can include soy. I'd avoid it.

We had a horrible reaction to the rotavirus one. Almost a full week of nonstop screaming and diarrhea. Baby was already colicky before, but the vaccine reaction was sooo much worse. Never again.

People who say this don't have babies that scream the second they are put down .

To sign a prenup you should have your own lawyer. No lawyer would advise you to sign that prenup and I am fairly sure it would not hold up in court anyway.

Try a woven wrap! I am using it with my newborn now and it is SO much better than the Solly or boba that I used with my first.

Airbnb with a kitchen. I don't want to be stuck eating at a restaurant 3 times a day with toddlers.

I also ate meat and still had gut issues. But you can't heal your gut AND breastfeed without an easily digestible source of protein, which she's saying she doesn't have.

For gut healing purposes you really need meat. I get it, I was a vegetarian for over 15 years (probably contributing to some of the issues my daughter is had) but since breastfeeding I've been eating grassfed beef and liver almost every day for the nutrition. The gut issues are a sign you and your child's body are depleted of minerals and nutrients.

It is so bizarre to me that people seem to blindly accept this idea that we need to slather ourselves with sunscreen at every moment but then take vitamin d supplements. Like what is wrong with going in the sun?? People are wearing more sunscreen than ever in history yet melanoma rates just keep increasing.

I assume dairy but honestly we never did a standalone trial of it until she was over a year old because I was so traumatized by the colic and didn't want to risk it. She eats dairy now at 2.5 with no problem.

Pea protein was our absolute worst colic trigger and the only time we ever saw blood in my daughter's diaper.

Is he, or is that just the easy media headline? He's the only one seriously talking about reforming the pharmaceutical industry so I wonder why they would want to portray him as a nut job...

$30 at my farmer's market buys like 7 tomatoes

Except the polling shows he's taking an equal amount of votes from Trump, if not more.

Unless they replace Biden he's the only real chance we have to defeat Trump IMO. RFK is a long shot for sure but he has a path to 270.

Look into RFK. He's the only real chance we have of ending corporate capture of our government.

I do still vote while living abroad. I disagree that local politics impacts things more than federal decisions when it comes to environmental issues. That needs to be regulated at the federal level IMO and it seems impossible for that to happen in any meaningful way when our government is essentially run by corporate interests.

I think the fear we have of sun is completely backwards. Vitamin d deficiency is a risk factor for skin cancer! We make sure to get lots of full spectrum sun exposure early and late in the day and then do physical sun protection during the highest UV parts if we are outside for more than half an hour (hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade). My 2.5 year old is very fair and has never been anywhere close to sunburned even though she's only worn sunscreen a handful of times.