What is this talking about? There’s no issue with zero down mortgages. It’s actually a super helpful way for people to get into homes. I’ve bought two using USDA loans, no issues.

I’ve done it. It was nice to start a term off +4 credits.

Exactly. I tried it last night and it just made me want to play smash bros again.

One time I burped and tasted Chef Boyardee raviolis, but I haven’t eaten them in days. I haven’t eaten them since. I can’t stand the sight of Chef Boyardee anything anymore, or really anything that uses that crappy orange sauce. Ugh I’m literally getting nauseous thinking of it.

This is a good example of how useless AI is to someone who doesn’t know which questions to ask.

This is definitely not true.

I mean, I’ve always been very frugal and a good budgeter, I just didn’t prioritize retirement savings. I use credit cards for all of my bills so I can get the cash back and travel rewards, but I never pay interest. I think the plan is to increase my contributions to 20% for now. Thanks!

Playing music with a good group, or really nailing the timing on a piece you’ve been struggling with.


I wish I believed in the criminal justice system this much. Also, there was a lot of evidence. Cases of abuse are notoriously hard to convict, and this situation was particularly awful because parents had been paid large sums of money. Again, I don’t want to sit here and make this case, but if you’re interested, There is a plethora of information available to inform you or convince you of any opinion you’d like to hold, really. I am convinced he’s a pedophile.

Thanks. I have a side business, I’ll probably draw a little more income from that so I can contribute more at work.

There was a lot of damning evidence, and a lot of hush money paid. I’m not going to cite sources here, I’ll just say I went back and forth for years not wanting to believe it but it mostly feels like denial now because I love his music so much. Personally, I’m convinced and I’d rather not hear his music anymore. I’m also a DJ and choose not to play his music anymore. I’d not tell you what to do with your personal listening experience.

Weird, I still heard his voice at least once a week.

Maybe stop putting them in top ten lists of greatest acts of all time and playing them on every pop radio station. What do you think it means? Their music is still there. Just stop subjecting their victims to it and celebrating them.