My dentist provides big sun shaded safety glasses to wear. I close my eyes in those and drift away to wonder land

It looks beautiful just the way it is

And the sequel, Loving to Run—He’s Gone

Got out of a 23 year toxic marriage to a narcissistic serial cheater. Dropped 80 pounds in 1.5 years effortlessly by eating food I like—baked potatoes, cottage cheese, chicken tenders, granola, berries, yogurt, Amy’s meals. Also stopped drinking wine every night because I no longer need to emotionally escape my life. Check and see if you can remove some sources of stress, anxiety, or toxicity in your life.

No shit. At this point, I’m just glad my ex ran off with his girlfriend. Did me a big favor

I’ve heard the same about Aries, but I’ve never met an Aries I liked. Lol! Sorry Aries.

I want true love too. It’s very Leo of us.

Good lord you have described the Sag I was FWB with who keeps making totally inappropriate comments about combining our lives together (read: RESOURCES) but pushes me away and reminds me we're "Just Friends" whenever I pick up on the topic in an attempt to try to figure out what all his double speak means. Frustrating. I've decided to stop pursuing him altogether. It's really quite gross. I'm a Leo and I need someone who is INTO me. Which sign should I pick? Anyone having any success?! LOL! Another Leo maybe, rawr.

Sorry I don't know what their Mercury's are; and I forgot to mention that there's an additional Pisces who I hooked up with some time ago and we remain friends to this day. Lotsa male Pisces energy in my life for some reason. Some good, some not so good. Depends on all the other placements probably.

But I did read about my Mercury in Leo and it is my communication style dead on.

I am currently solo polyamorous, and in three different relationships with three different men, and they are all Pisces. My therapist is also a Pisces. Leo sun, cancer moon, Leo rising.

Me. ENFJ-A. Leo sun/Cancer moon/Leo rising; yuh, makes sense and I love it. :)

I am a woman and also wish being gay were a choice

Joke's on her! I put HER on MY list of People To Fix!

I would also like to go on this date.

The absolute best. Kissing someone new, when they are also a good kisser and you have chemistry, is amazing. I want to drag that feeling out for as long as possible when dating someone new.