Should have kept in and added an S.

🏒The Legendary Meth Bear

Good. That term is going to hurt.

🏒The Legendary Meth Bear

This is a steal. Good for the Canucks.

Don't wanna get shot in the face? Don't break into a house. This isn't hard.

Again, and this is simple, you should not be allowed to run for or hold political office if your age at any point during your term is above the retirement age.

Deport immediately. All for legal immigration in moderation that our infrastructure can support and in equal numbers between countries, let's call it as it is, there are way too many Indians in Canada now.

The damage that the liberals have done has been one that will cause me and several members of my family to never vote left ever again.

Lot of countries on the top of that list that flat out don't share Canadian values.

Trudeau and the crooks that sold out Canadians and Canada should be jailed for what they have done to this country. Good on Quebec for being down to earth.

Not many Canadians left in Vancouver, so not fucking great.

Should immediately resign. Best candidate should always get the position.

Nearly everything this guy and his party has done has hurt Canada and Canadians, it's insane these people think if they repeat that it makes it true.

Permanently boycotting places that do this.

I had to repeat my order at mcdonald's to three different people the other day, only for them to still get it wrong.

Well it's not like this is inaccurate lol.