I am simply responding to your comment regarding “someone that doesn’t want to move up the corporate ladder”

Every company has a terminal level. At most faang conpanies that’s senior - it’s acceptable to “terminate” your career at senior level. 

I can understand that. I wish you the best

It's not too late to press charges now. Certain crimes have no statute of limitations


You are being unreasonable. You chose to rent out your home as an airbnb. Two adults having sex in your Airbnb comes with the territory of being a host

You are contradicting yourself.

What you’re describing by definition would not be asexual.

And an atheist that believes in “something greater out there” would not be an atheist, be definition. 

This is like saying someone can be vegan but still consume meat. It’s wrong by definition.

Do you also pay for all the roads that lead to your house by yourself? Also your property tax pays for wildfire abatement services, local government ops, waste management

This is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read. My fiancé and I have been together for 11 years and have slowly started talking about trying for kids for the for the past three. We plan on trying next year after we get married and I absolutely could not imagine going through what you just described. I am so sorry and I wish you and your husband the best.

Hmm crazy idea but maybe you could’ve asked “are you a boy or a girl?”

If I was single with no commitments I’d be applying to that job this very moment

I just had it last night at Tj oyster bar and I thought it was pretty good 

If you could spend 9 billion dollars to figure out a way to tank Taco Bell, that would absolutely be worth it.

First, tank the company in such a way that you end up owning it. You don’t need to own Yum brands, just Taco Bell.

Taco Bell ends up becoming a small chain of restaurants in your favorite cities that operate at a loss BUT they cook anything you want to eat. They are always fully staffed and they operate as real restaurants, but the main goal is to provide food for you as the owner.

Now you are in a situation where you walked away with net 1 billion dollars and you own a handful of restaurants around the world. Absolutely worth it

I don’t know anyone that likes broken yolk actually

Not that simple. Real estate is usually leveraged. Also more tax advantages and equity pay down using what would’ve been rent expenses