My boyfriend is in his early 20s, just like me. We've been together for 7 years now, and I've started therapy due to my dissociation disorder, he fully supported and even helped financially from time to time, a year after he says that I've had more downs than ups after starting this journey. I said to him that healing is not linear and it's completely normal, but I'm doing progress.

I've always known how he felt about therapy, he doesn't believe it could work on him, fyi he most likely has CPTSD and anger issues related to his childhood. His parents were really violent and his mother yelled everyday, even when I was around. He was forced into therapy at 12 and he always had really bad experiences. I've tried to get him to think of therapy differently because I can see him struggle with sleep, stress and anger. He says therapists are just there for the money and he doesn't think they would really care about his problems, that it feels all like a fake, and I get his point, but not all of them are like that. However, I can't seem to convince him, he believes in psychology, he knows it works but he thinks it won't have any effects on him. Have you got any advice? Also some insights from professionals would be appreciated.