This is seriously what they should do. SK's reaction per the OP is poor. NK are behaving like two year olds and they should be made to feel that way. What NK want is retaliation in kind, so they should in no way be given it. SK needs to very publicly laugh at NK being so childish, and to retaliate with gifts and kindness.

A remarkable proportion of that list has aged well.

Person goes to Madonna show and gets Madonna show, sues because they got a Madonna show.

Madonna's latest tour has been hitting the headlines for its topless dancers since at least late last year.

How to make sure reddit does not ignore the "torture chamber-looking chair'?

  • tell reddit to ignore the torture chamber-looking chair.

Public defenders are not sufficiently invested to get upset about this, nor to care much about finding a way to salvage the situation.

I honestly was thinking exactly the same.

Although I suppose - had he been given the opportunity - he more likely would have come up with some BS about a medical emergency so severe that he had no option but to drive. Not that that would have been plausible...

You miss my point. Yes she asked for an adjournment because he drove with a suspended licence. But her reason for doing so was likely not (as the redditor to whom I was replying assumed) in the hope the judge would forget but to get an opportunity to talk to the accused and see what he wanted to say to excuse himself. It's SOP.

Because they have large heavy batteries, like I said.

The judge isn't going to forget and that's not the reason the public defender asked for an adjournment.

It's actually a standard thing to do when your client does or (more often) says something utterly unexpected in court for which you are totally unprepared. Ideally, you need time to speak to the client privately about what has happened and find out what they want you to say about it.

So a satellite made of conventional materials - aluminium, steel, copper, fibreglass, semiconductors etc, with some nominal wood panelling.

This is huge.

You have evolved to know that information you have received can have an effect on you requiring a physical response. Your heart rate can rise from seeing a lion running towards you for totally logical evolutionary reasons. You don't have to wait till the lion physically hits you before your heart starts to race to enable you to move fast.

Same with a conversation about something that could affect you.

Conceptually, we use electricity two ways - to do work, and to deal with information.

A device that only deals with information can use anything up to many millions of times less power than an electrical device that is doing work. Power use is an unwanted inefficiency in a device that just deals with information. Power use is an inherent and generally desirable feature of a device that does work.

Phones, cameras and game controllers just deal with information and that is why their batteries last for ages.

Drones and cordless tools do work and that is why they either have large heavy batteries or don't have batteries that last long.

It's not a significant risk in the highly rarefied atmosphere where people are able to do this.

Or you could end up homeless

The "billion dollars in paper assets" bit is very important. It is why the people who do it don't end up homeless.

The method is fuelled by having assets that you can borrow against to fund your living expenses that are either:

  • continually increasing in value, so you can keep borrowing more and more against them, or

  • so large you can keep borrowing more against them and never run out of value against which to borrow.

Needless to say, this is not true for 99.9% of us. If you try this technique without such assets, all you are doing is burning through your equity and when it comes time to pay interest and/or principal, you will have nothing.

I don't have a lot of knowledge of aircraft tires but those in the photo look like road vehicle tires to me.

Why would aircraft tires need mud lugs on the side like the tires in the photo?

Unmanned interplanetary travel has already been achieved. Manned interplanetary travel has not been achieved but manned space missions have. It is only a matter of combining the two. There are no known engineering or human impossibilities with doing so.

The only challenges are in budget and time.

Called a "Yokohama fender" in the industry

"Make_____ Great Again!" is a form of slogan that has long been used by politicians of a certain sort - usually as a call to nostalgia for a golden past that probably never existed.

Hitler used "Make Germany Great Again". Zyuganov (anti-democratic political opponent of Yeltsin) used "Make Russia Great Again".

Not that I'm implying there's a pattern here...

Desalination plants are expensive to build and operate. Countries with water shortages and the money to do so are building desalination plants. Many poor countries have the need but don't have the money.

Artificial camouflage looks like the bark on this tree

Yeah, people who tell jokes well are fun at parties. You are correct.

Given how sparsely populated is the relevant area, to bury 2000 people it must have been a hellava landslide.