People who have a purpose in life are less likely to bother throwing it away making poor decisions. Why programs like Obama's "Alternatives to Incarceration" were legitimately progressive, but the metrics are tougher because it takes decades to see how kids doing urban farming are learning better life skills vs juvie or gang shit.

Its fine that people are researching this so that [if there is still human civilization left] in 100 years we can start implementing this, but it will be a moot point because renewable energy should end fossil fuel extraction because its cheaper and potentially less of a legal liability for waste. So the time this tech is mainstream ready there won't be an issue to resolve.

*But hey I don't know the future, so cool they are looking into it. Just its used as a massive greenwashing attempt to pretend we can still keep drilling without climate repercussions.

I see a lot of arguments about absolutes, there are no absolutes with this. The transition to renewable energy won't and shouldn't be 100%, because people have real lives and the used car market will thrive, same with lawnmowers and some old utility equipment. We don't need 100% transition, we just need to reduce as much as possible in key sectors that normal people won't even notice like industrial shipping, municipal construction projects, packaging for consumer goods, etc. You just go "oh neat" when your Amazon package gets delivered by electric vehicle and the package has a recycling label that actually means its going to be recycled responsibly. That's it!

The pink ones tend to be organic vapor. You might be able to find a black P100 also that will cover asbestos and lead for less money.

You can. I air dry mine but occasionally miss one when I seperate. Its no big deal it will stretch and fit if its the right size sock. I have these, they just look small.

Look up the model number of the cartridges, one also covers acid gas, which you clearly don't need:

Unless you prefer one design over another I'd get the cheaper one. I've experience with the cheaper version it fits me fine for use 4-6hrs per day.

Nikon Z5, Nikon D700

Ya exactly. With the 1.4tv its just a little slower than the 180-600mm, though travels more compact. It practically replaces OP's Macro lens as well (less close, but more reach).

No it was a different asshole. And that one had other assaults and he got a 2 year sentence for attacking Moranis who (besides everyone in America loving him! is a senior citizen and could have easily died from the attack. *He will be out of jail on the streets this summer!!!

Seriously we need justice reform in this country = letting the potheads go free now!, junkies should get help not prison, and people randomly assaulting a senior citizen should be locked until they themselves are senior citizens

As horrible as Adams is, Sliwa would have been a bazillion times worse. He's a regular talking head on Fox , so It would have been nightly sound bites following the example of Trump when he was in office, or Herschel Walker sound bites - that bad.

FYI There were some decent Dems in the Primary to choose from. They were too alike though [milquetoast progressives] and none of them got enough notice so somehow Adams took it.

Flimsy excuse to keep drilling oil. This isn't the answer.

The answer is burning less and less fossil fuels.

Second growth forests that are replanted for logging yes. Protected old growth forests are actually carbon sinks though they store it underground.

Okay so I'm middle aged and my checkup doesn't seem to ever include any of these miracle screenings. My regular doctor isn't so impressive, but does he just suck? Do you have to go to a specialist if you want to check for these things before symptoms start?

"done right" = proof. He needed to physically submit the isolinear rod when he made the accusation.

Its a casino, somebody always wins somebody always loses. Some jerk tweets and everything kicks off. Maybe someone knew he was going to tweet and predicted it... but statistically about 100% of the people invested had zero idea if they'd make or lose money, it was just a dumb bet.

WTF he attacked an elderly person out of nowhere and he's going to be out what this summer? How is sucker punching a 69 year old not attempted murder?????????

Ya as a Democrat you sadly are not wrong on the likelyhood of a violent offender getting out on the streets the next day and its appalling. We need bail reform.

But do consider that violent crimes should keep people off the streets and to do that you need to let lots of nonviolent people out... this means reforming the cash bail system and ONLY Democrats are trying to get rid of that. People should be locked up or released based on probable danger to the public or flight risk, not bank accounts and bail bonds.

Thing is nobody robs or assaults people in their own neighborhood, its not like a Midtown resident did this.

“Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city,” according to a statement Sunday from his publicist. “He is ok and appreciates everyone’s well wishes.”

Thats shitty. I hope they catch the creep who did this. I imagine the cops will actually check the surveillance videos (for once) since its a high profile victim. Seems like there's basically a camera on every single building these days.

How do you know its an actual valet? In the movies it just seems like anyone could wear a red vest and your give them your keys.

Back in my day we used to tip reddit comments. You'd give a narwhal or a snek as was the fashion at the time..

"payments like this are routine for rich people."

This is simply an observation, not a valid defense.

Taxes, business regulation, and anti-trust laws to breakup the handful of monopolies we are stuck doing business with. All the money is consolidated at the top its ridiculous.