Should have said "and we'll make the tenosians pay for it"

Autism is such a fascinating disorder (is that the right term? Because it isn't inheritantly wrong, just very alien), the fact that you are so unimaginably happy yet you wouldn't express it in a way a none autistic person would. You'd think these expressions would come default, right?

Obviously it isn't a problem because well, autism isn't extinct. Crazy that we have people like this just around, with rewired brains and yet we don't find it awesome or intresting. There's so much to learn from it, but it's so hard to study.

That's why I said "could", as I'd assume the original poster would want basic examples so he can have inspiration for their own ideas. And this is an easy, albeit possibly shallow way to convey that.

TLDR: Best idea is lay a simple groundwork of what the culture is like, then reflect it in language. What's a virtue to the people who live there?

Would you believe that language is possibly one of the best additions you can make? You can represent so much unconsciously about the culture that speaks it. For example if the language is "VSO" (verb subject object) this could mean they value what somebody does more than who they are!

Maybe they think the colour blue is bad? Because they live someplace cold and as such getting dunked on ice cold water is a death sentance?

Maybe they name places after the first person to live there? Let's say "Alexhall" then it becomes "alxal" then "owxal" then "owcle" then "aucle"

Also the signs take a hot minute to actually spawn in (at least in my case)

Significant other. I don't think it's used much outside of reddit and twitter?

Due to how linguistics works, some bastard out there thinks toki pona is harder than ithkuil, so somehow O.P has a valid defence for their weird system

Yes they are. In my experience they gave me head phones that played the radio (I really don't know how headphones worked in the machine, because it's a magnetic device)

The last two look the most like it. But at the same time they all look like different members of Russian funded groups.

Almost like they are trying to hide their Russian supply by making it look a little different.

Basically I mean "hey Russia can I copy your homework" "Sure, just don't make it obvious"


What about you as a person do you feel anxious about? Because whatever it is it is changeable. And maybe that thing you don't like about yourself is probably something somebody finds awesome.

Also, how do you carry yourself? Do you stand tall? Maybe arched over? Posture does so much for how one looks. On top of that, how do you dress? Be honest, do you just throw on whatever is there? I'd recommend finding a colour you suit, and a style you suit, along with this, if you have a strong jaw, don't grow a beard.

Yes you might fit a beard, but it's recommended that you show off that jawline, if you have a weak, dainty jaw, try a beard, nothing major though, just enough to compliment the shape. You're not hiding it, your using it like skaffholding for the beard.

Find a hairstyle that compliments your head shape, nobody is ugly, they just haven't found their look.

Next, do you work? Have a job? If so try to be more social with the coworkers ask about the weather tomorrow or even the time, dosen't matter if you actually know what the time is.

Don't forget to let yourself speak passionately, who cares if they might judge you? It's there loss. And anyways, ever noticed how popular comedians and some political figures are? It's all in the energy.

On the topic of personality, get yourself a social media presence, one about you and your life. Not just memes, countless people actually look at your social media handle if you have one, it's a form of courting for friends and lovers.

Also, never see a woman as a possible partner, imagine her as any other person, I'm not advocating for being a white knight, just explaining that at the end of the day, she's not there for sex. She's meant to be your closest friend. A person you wanna grow old with, a person you want to see each day.

Also, assuming your a guy, it's recommended to masturbait when you think your in love, if you still have that feeling for her after your done, it's not lust. It might be love.

And lastly, you don't need to understand what a person talks about, and sometimes you don't even need to give input, it's great to just listen, people love knowing they are heard and someone cares.

I agree but the teams would get hard to notice real quick. I think it'd be better to give them faux camouflage like the blue digital from military police, red camouflage and even wasp camouflage and solid colours.

I think they should get helmets though, maybe more kneepad versions of outfits and elbow pads. But making them look too much like an army would throw of team identification.

Oooh OK. Yeah that makes way way more sense! Thanks

I just full on don't know how it's spelled. I think it's Quran?

Also, isn't he a failed prophet in the Muslim holy book? (I know what it's called, I just can't spell it)

I'm so glad this sub hasn't fallen into racism. This sub reddit actually feels like it exists to preserve the culture of the celtic people, not destroy all that isn't celtic. It's rare to find that, I'm glad I have.

How exactly would one go about developing dialects in a way that feels natural? You seem to know how.

Those cap things are a European thing? Really? I honestly thought it became standard because nobody really ever mentions it.

Yeah, if it isn't made of wood or a athropod or that skeleton horse bastard (or he's just weak to begin with)

Maybe? But I've heard plenty of men do decent female voices.

You'll be happy to know that the blue one is in use by the government

One thing that is pretty useful is a shibilath.

A wird that isn't easy to say for non speakers of the language, try looking for a sound not on the IPA, or a rare one, or one that the people around you wouldn't think on. Something that really messes with them. A word you drop in a sentance in the language even.

Not particularly, it depends on how we handle it. This here would just be none profit use. Ultimately the creator wasn't payed for its creation. So this would be like using copyrighted music for a song, I think?

The problem artists have is that they might never actually get any commercial success if its legal and encouraged for a company to use ai instead. Obviously artists can still profit independently, maybe they'll actually do better, but few like taking a gamble on their future, especially with self expression.

I should state I do have a bias here, I belive against the commercial use of ai art if it isn't used as a tool, but instead the artist itself. And I wouldn't call myself an artist, so I can't argue for them, just explain what I think they mean.