His time at Beloit isn’t great. It’s very similar to Romney’s time at Bain Capital. The dude understands optimizations in selling off the country. 

We can hope he won’t use that power for evil, but no matter what - that’s a lot of corporate mindset that isn’t great for the White House. 

Buttigeig is a gay, moderately liberal, Romney. That might be fine for some (including me by 2024 terms), but I’d never begrudge a progressive saying “no” to him either. 

You should check out “Built To Last”. It’s a lot of this stuff, but zoomed out one more level. 

I think that’s why I kinda brush past it. A lot of the corporate specific versions are just the fundamentals, customized. 

And even with that - yikes. Be careful with the nothing-speak. There is hitting the point, and tryingto hit the point. Don’t get lost in models that just circle. 

No. Right. It’s a service ideal. Not a design ideal. 

I am 100% on board with the work we do being hired. 

I am also on board with a bigger conversation about ‘design’ and the communication frameworks need to be more than just a race to appeasement. 

Appeasement can sacrifice important structure needlessly, and we do need to have convos that defend against that loss. 

Big wholistic understanding is what let’s us pick and choose intelligently. 

Eh. At that point it’s just the basics in a fancy wrapper though. 

 Design is a tool, not an outcome

This is great. I personally like to tell people Design is what you do, not who you are. 

When we wrap the work up into our identity we forget a lot of the process because we push everything into what we love and not necessarily what the project goals need. 

Detachment from the work is essential for an objective eye. 

Nah. I’ll pass on these massive multinational corporate mindsets on optimizations. 

A lot of these theories are internal-facing to the company specifically and rarely translate outside….and rarely are they applicable to graphic design vs product design (which are different).

Well. Yeah. But that phrase originated from people that just want the customers money. 

Which is fine. But it’s important to remember it’s a quote for cynics and pragmatists. It’s not always the best quote when considering form, function, and communication. 

It’s the fundamentals TBH. And who knows where you need the tweaks - but examine: 

*how are you sleeping? Is your bed clean? Is it comfortable enough? Are you getting 8-9 hours a night? 

  • how is your water intake? Are you consistent week over week? 

  • veg and fruits? Getting enough? 

  • sunlight? Are you getting daylight exposure for a couple hours every day?

  • what about exercise? Walking? Are you able to lift weights or do aerobics?

  • work wise are you getting regular breaks?

  • are you reading books? The mind craves learning. Staring at screens doesn’t always deliver.

  • time spent in nature? It’s another thing we crave without realizing it. Sometimes 30 min at a park every few days can do wonders.

  • how’s your clothing cleanliness? Do you need to do some laundry? What about dishes or vacuuming?

  • what’s your stress like outside of work? Pets heathy? Fam okay? Outside stressors shouldn’t be ignored.

  • are your debts and finances in an okay place? Lingering money problems can do a number on our creativity.  

 And then lastly - when was the last time you just took a 2-week vacation or stay-cation and put down work responsibilities for a bit.  

Obviously not everyone can fix every one of these things. 

Some are more privileged considerations than others, but if you build up too much personal care debt, it leaks out, exhausts us, and makes us sick - and that gets the cutesy name “burnout”…really it’s just feeling like shit from being overworked and unable to keep up with self care.

But yeah. Fix your self care and the enthusiasm will return. But it can take a few months to feel the effects sometimes.   

Specifically the imperium players that are just “really into WWII historical accuracy” with their plastic toys. 

Some places are seeing Trumpism gains sure. But I’ve been traveling a lot to rural areas the last 2 years. 

Those Trump flags still out there are looking faded

Flags and bumper-stickers are not historically a good measure. But I remember the fervor of flag buying in 2015-2017. Today doesn’t look like that at all. 

Biden gave us all a scare, and SCOTUS makes presidential responsibility so much more important. 

But honestly - other than Reddit panic - I don’t actually see Trump gaining support in any amount of substance. 

Biden’s coalition isn’t happy with his debate performance, but it isn’t wavering in actual support. 

I suggest rewatching the film. 

That’s the movie where the smartest person on the planet uses observation and evidence to free people from the clutches of a mega corporation that has taken over everything*.

The president defies congress, and through strong leadership backs the smartest persons plan all the way up until it cost everyone their job. 

At that time there was a trial, and during the trial - when evidence of the plan’s success was revealed - the smartest man in the world was acquitted and celebrated. 

The president throws a party with the people on the front lawn of the White House and elevates the smartest person in the world to vice president and goes on to a successful second term. 

then the smartest person in the world is elected president. 

These are the kinds of moments that remind us the camera manual is online, free, and absolutely worth looking at from time to time. 

I’m not your fight friend. I made a truthful and rational comment. The rest of this is just weird energy. 


It does sound like the industry chewed up another one. 

I think you’ve got something else you’re trying to work out. 

Trumps golf score is better than Biden’s because he spent 2 years playing the links. 

OP sounds like someone that has already done quit a bit. 

After a certain point - you just need to stop doing the things that hurt your back. 

Oof. Sometimes. You just have to quit doing the thing that’s destroying your body. 

Sorry man. Sounds like the industry chewed up another one. 

No no. You’re right. It’s time to give up democracy. 

Nothing can be done. You squashed every single suggestion out there. 

Okay. I guess you should just sit online and give up hope. 

You got that covered.