plastic ware for the small amount we offer that needs it but its a taco shop so its alllll finger food

thank you so much. it is a franchise but the one i work at is the first individually owned. i know every soul who works here and i really feel appreciated so far. thank you sooo much for the tips though!!

we dont have room for one or else id think about doing that. the restaurant closes at 9 and on a baddddd day im done at 11 so its not awful

nope! not many patrons dishes either though since we serve in baskets and no silverware but hearing about yalls machines was new to me hahaha

yeah! granted we are a taco shop and serve food only in baskets so theres no plates or silverware. 90% of my job is the inner kitchen dishes not the customers

just curious

i just got my dishwashing job 2 weeks ago and its the best job ive ever had, my best friends are the kitchen managers and its really all around awesome. i just wanna ask one thing... yall have an actual dishwasher?? like a machine???? WHAT

thank you so much 🥺im definitely taking time to decide and having that validated is really kind of you. since she was from a litter i produced and i know her cause of passing, she was the runt and it caused a growth deformity where her organs grew much faster than her body could keep, im thinking about using her as my snakes next meal. a part of me thinks its a really beautiful way to give her life and body purpose, but a small part of me thinks its kind of cruel. but anyways.. i love ask a mortician and have definitely went back to her channel at times of loss🖤 thank you again for being so kind though (:

do all wet specimens need injected with formalin or the like? or since he’s incredibly small i figured maybe as long as i got a little bit out of it

Preservation questions??plz advise

hey,im kinda just a looker on here but my beloved pet mouse passed away today, and i was wondering if there’s anything relatively easy i could do to preserve him? im so devastated

ahhh yeah im more asheville mountains NC area, im not super familiar with shipping, do you possibly know an estimated cost?

where in SC? im in NC so maybe pickup is possible or pretty easy shipping. she’s beautiful, i’d try her out in my community and if shes not a great fit she’ll have her own 10 gal

that filter quit on me after i replaced the tank, so it wasnt in the new one more than half a day before i replaced it, but im gonna test out the newspaper and string trick a commenter recommended later today and if im not seeing any signs of a leak it really might have been the filter

ooooh ill try that later today, and as for the drip/stream im not sure, wasnt leaking enough to drop the water level noticeably or anything as i didnt notice the leak till i reached under the stand for something i dropped and felt how soaked my floor was (:

Cashapp in NC?
Reddit removed post

im sorry lol my camera is shattered. but theyve never been there before /: hopefully thats all it is

hole in the head??SA | Help

hey guys! ive had my tiger oscar about 4 months now, never any issues, hes great! hes on a wide variety diet, has blood parrots as tank mates. all of a sudden, (last night to this morning) his whole body seems whitecasted at certain angles, and there are TINY holes near his face. im super worried this is hole in the head, but it shouldnt be... any idea on what else? ill attach photos. thank you!!!

now if i won, id for sure be treating my friends with way more than lunch lol, and if they asked i wouldnt feel any type of way. maybe its because were all struggling so i wouldnt even think twice maybe this guy doesnt NEED or deserve it and just wants it. still something to think about