Friend Code: #9559-4492

Platform: Steam/crossplay

Level: 7

Difficulty: No idea

Region: NA

Languages: English

Voice Chat: Somtimes

I don't care how old it is, its a valid question, wtf blizzard.

Mediacom is the worst. Hurry up and build, Metronet!

I was doing a ride along with paramedics for EMT training. First stop was at a nursing home. Ol boy was vomiting shit and the paramedic had to step out because the smell was too much lol.

But seriously there's a high mortality risk because of asphyxiation and getting in your lungs and causing an infection. That's a no from me dog.

It's a cow, an acme anvil just fell on it's neck

They didn't say they like their job, just that they've been there for 18 years.

Stop buying delicious couches.

The theme song turned me on to other songs by the Dickies, who make some damn catchy music.

I bet they're sensitive , honey. (In the voice of Jojack from King of the hill)

People marrying cats! Cats marrying dogs! Total madness! And that is why we shouldn't allow pineapple to be put on pizza.

Ya and his battalion had Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Vladimir Putin, Boris Johnson, Kim jong UN, Xi Xinping, Bob Ross, Mr. Rodgers, AND Blippi in it. STILL think this one LTC in the army didn't run the world satanist cabal? THINK AGAIN!!11

Yes. It's very clear you've never been in the military. There's incompetent people literally everywhere lol.

It's literally from his music video that came out like 18 years ago lol

You left out the most important descriptor "crazy", which is not what you would describe normal cat owners as.

He clearly didn't write a note on his homework asking for the extra help

play vivaldi summer presto

As a bald man, you have great hair

This is such a weird defense of someone who did something shitty, and continues to exploit people, but he didn't rape people, so is he THAT bad?