Is that why Microsoft was in the shitter the other day? There are too many bots, not enough code to prevent.

I dont have family. What do you expect someone in my situation to do?

10 months! And in Saratoga Springs New York. Which I have never seen. My parents moved to Hawaii before I had my first real memories. So I don't know what the place I was born in looks like.

17 Forester

If you're going full battle wagin, keep em. If not, well you do you.

I agree, but project 2025's ultimate goal is to cram Christianity down everyone throats whether we want it or not.

A Flair?

Watch Tacoma F.D.. You'll get a good laugh!

I got an ozone machine that I run every once in a while. Great way to keep smells out.

I have a buddy that was top side monk bald by 22.

I read it just so I could see what you were talking about. You're not wrong. It is horribly written.

My favorites are the ones that bedazzled that steering wheel, so it has all kinds of extra shrapnel.

A toyota tundra. I really want one, but I'll never afford it.

Lol, that's pretty significant if true.

I had a lab/pit mix that looked identical. She was the sweetest dog I ever had, and I miss her desperately.

I would be okay with that. Crushed pelvis and all.

Nothing worse than everything I've already done.

Yeah, I just based that on rough math from trying it out in Wal Marts parking lot one day. It looked kinda like about a third extra on the distance so I called it 33%, and since I have ocd, I rounded it up to 35. NOT precise at all.

There are waitstaff jobs paying like 2 something an hour on the east coast. TBF, they have to meet minimum wage with tips included or the managers have to pay the difference. But we all know how "honest" those guys are.

It usually meant my ass was about to meet the horse whip.

I mean, she's not wrong. But wow!

Look at Far Side as an example. A lot of Gary Larsons' work was read into way too much. And the interpretations that came out of it are pretty wild. I dont think Gary felt the need to really say a whole lot about most of his comics with a couple of exceptions. I say let it ride unless it ends up causing way too much derision.

I've never even heard of a Riley Read. I think you'll be safe.

I figure, over time, very. But if your in a crunch, then since the zombies don't feel pain, they'll be on you before they burn out

And it's a nice variety(figuratively speaking). An sr5, a sport, an off road, and I think a 2.5 gen hiding back there.

The only reason that they still do this, is there will inevitably be some sucker that can't pull his head out that will pay for it.