I think I missed the part where they put as little ham as possible on but load it all near the bit of the sandwich you can see in its packaging


3 mins for the actual act. 1.5 hours to finish the crying.

50 MISSIONS. I'm assuming he's counting every time his vehicle gets a recall or has to go back to the garage.

So are you saying 100g to 10g of these mixed spices?

Harvested from his own body

"You wouldn't use a dull knife or a dull table saw would you?"

Apparantly yes, I would.

*fucks up cutting an onion again*

Well it had been a while since the last one, we were well over due.

Better spend that quick before inflation makes it worthless

For a moment I thought you were some kind of Learner Time Traveller as I read it as:
"The past 6 months I’ve been learning to drive, mostly in the Modern era."

Or they turn up with an unsuitable vehicle and still insist you help move it and get it to fit

What proportion of shares have vested so far? If he's really that problematic you might want to buy him out and cut him loose.

At least she managed to get in without looking a tit

Animator: "What is my purpose?"

Studio exec: "You animate fried rice."

Animator: "....oh my god"