You might want to explain economics to your coworker

My dogs old and it’s $200 a month now. But her sister died at 10, and racked up 4k in vet bills trying to treat her, her breed usually lives to 13-14. So we had 4 more years with her. Unfortunately we lost her at 10 and our insurance carrier reimbursed us 90% of the cost. Helped so much

Yep, have to do good by the seller. I’d waive the buyers commission except for like half a percent for the paperwork I need to file

I wouldn’t do it with non contingent offers as you said, that’s an issue, where I’m at in CA most offers are contingent

I personally hate when people come to my door so I won’t do it to other people, plenty of ways to market without the cold calling and door knocking we all hate

Let’s call it to agree to disagree. I didn’t mean to come off that I’d do this all the time, as it’s a waste of my time too, but if I show 3 houses on Sunday and they really like 2, in this competitive market I’m writing both of those since both offers are being reviewed Monday afternoon

So what is a seller going to do? They can put the house back on the market with the emd unsettled and the buyer doesn’t have to sign the release. Sellers can sit there and not sell their house or they can release the buyer and pick a different buyer. Are you a real broker not knowing this?

Not with contingency in place they can back out for the airplane flying over the house

Why? Buyers get to pick and chose what they want, pretty much every house has multiple offers anyway. If the buyers changes their mind there will be a back up offer waiting. It’s a business nothing personal

I played madden 2023 offline. Some games will load but won’t connect to servers

My friend is online but he’s been on since 10 am, if you were logged in before the issue I think you can stay in. It’s all us working stiffs getting the shadt

Place isn’t really a place for people that are “struggling”. It’s turned into kind of the upper class vibe. That’s why I thought middle class finance would take off but hasn’t really. It’s either personal finance or poverty finance and that kind of makes sense with the vibe of the world today

My mortgage is one check. Wife is self employed so the months no money comes in we are down to the dollar is not negative. Have savings to help with that though

Never heard of an agent complaining about doing multiple offers. In CA is pretty standard

Depends some months are worse then others. I WFH 99% of the time as my office is 200 miles away. This time of year sucks as I have dead lines and it’s really busy to I have to put in extra effort. Around September I coast through November with very minimal effort. Like those months might be 20 hours a week of actual work

Haha, funny enough my great grandpa lived to 101 and everybody joked that he pickled his organs and made him live longer

The buyer has to come to the conclusion they will keep getting rejected and waste a lot of time but someone will probably bit eventually if they find the right over priced house

I manage my own funds, I have money withdrawn each paycheck and put into a hysa and then make payments 2 times a year out of savings

Now that i reread that maybe it’s on septic and doesn’t need a sewer line, you might be on to something

Sold my 2012 focus for 3k with a dead transmission in ca. it’s bad out west too

crappy situation for sure but the recourse would a lawsuit and you be throwing more money at a problem that may not get solved and now your down even more

I’d trust the old owner and be blessed if it’s not 4,800