The moment I find out about Cersie and Jamie, dispatch a rider to find and inform Robert, inform Selmy and try to get the kings guard into help me immediately arresting Cersi. To protect the children from Robert's wrath as Ned wanted to do, hand Joffery and Tommen over to Yoren to be taken to the night's watch, and Marcella would be sent to the silent sisters before Robert returns from the hunt. With luck the rider informs Robert before the boar gets him, if not he'll still be alive long enough to order Cersi's death, and apoint a new successor.

Can we please save the Serapis flag before someone ruins it? It's my favorite.

Former School bus driver, regular school year I drove special ed and those kids were a delight. But summer school they would pile everyone from K-9 on the same bus. Those kids were the worse. Every day they'd trash the bus with food, get the little kids to scream and curse, or they were fighting. I couldn't do much but we had a rail road crossing, now the kids are suppose to quite down so I can listen for a train coming (in case the signals had failed) well you can imagine that didn't happen. I assume their regular driver just went over the tracks but I wouldn't have it. So we would sit there sometimes for 20 minuets until they quieted down. It's summer and this bus has no A/C, they started turning on each other every time one of them started making noise. It's petty but I enjoyed that.

And surprisingly after a few days of consistently enforcing the rules we never had a problem crossing the tracks.

:flag-ny: New York

To be fair, it's usually the venue that bans them. It's probably pretty impossible to find a venue that is willing to pay the insurance for housing thousands of armed people for a event.

One of those 25cent blue drinks you get at the Bodega spiked with rubbing alcohol is my head Canon.

When arriving at a new planet, it's standard operating procedure to beam down to the most southern Californian environment the world has to offer.

Isn't the book Bilbo writes just "The Hobbit" in lord of the rings?

Staten Island

It's still a bit if a walk, could bring over their bike if the bus has a rack

Staten Island

The 3 buses that go over the bridge from bay ridge are the s53, s79sbs, and the s93. The 93 doesn't run on weekends. You're going to want to take the 53 and get off at the first stop over the bridge. At that stop you'll take the s51 grant city bound, that'll take down to south and midland beaches.

Staten Island

I'm pretty sure used MTA buses get scrapped since they receive federal funds to replace buses after 12 years.

:flag-ny: New York

That ostill one day he becomes a gold shoe! This summer Rob Schneider is, "The Pandering Shoe" rated PG13

That makes no sense, they had trains and were used to moving soldiers by rail from the Civil War. Then why would they have to go all the way to Florida? Why march by several major ports when you can just take a ship to whatever island your unit was going to deploy to anyway.

It's easy to understand, we like it we want more of it. Not to mention we've become invested in the characters, saying goodbye to the show means saying goodbye to them. Who never wants to see their friends again?

The bridges are huge and set up like a set of a play. TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and Ent all had not only pretty practical bridge sets, they were distinctive and iconic. The new trek bridges all look like the same dark depressive room with blinky lights.

:flag-ny: New York

It's just the lowest peninsula. No biggie.

To be fair there were unseen sessions with troi. Remember he said her help was instrumental in his recovery

Well by the time it was over for Hitler's goons the choices were either being killed or captured and probably executed. Putin's goons aren't facing an invasion, if things go really bad for Russia they have the possibility of scapegoating Putin, and continuing the scam with a new leader who for a time will pretend to be a reformer.

Request to use the Wheelchair lift. If you have a Roll aid that you can sit on it won't be a problem and they HAVE to let you use it if you request it.

What was it Episode 30 when Gavin told the headlight fluid story? That was one of those things that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die, like I couldn't breathe.

Nothing can appose two klingon hearts.