As a fellow doll collector, I would drive her to the clinic myself. Then I’d honeypot the location of those dolls out of him and return them to her if possible. What happens to him when I’m done, who can say 🤷🏼‍♀️

Dolls > men, every day of our lives!

Secret invisible solid. I don’t really sweat much until the weather is pushing 90-95*f outside so I don’t need anything fancy. This one doesn’t rub off on black outfits so that’s good enough for me.

In general I’m just really unimpressed with snark subs. Wild horses couldn’t drag me to spend that much time and energy ruminating on people I don’t like. And with that in mind, I’m gonna go touch some grass myself.

They’d have to gag me like Hannibal lector to stop me from singing along lmao good luck!

Yea and there’s never really any point in going to start an argument in another sub anyway imo. (Unless it’s breaking tos or clearly advocating for violence, then just report and block etc.) Just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean that shouldn’t remain their safe space. We can discuss here and they don’t have to see it.

Wait does bankruptcy mean we won't be able to buy the Red Lobster biscuit mixes at the market any more??

So you think this has nothing to do with you? Because memes like this and your constant scrutiny have nothing to do with women's poor body image.

That's heartbreaking. And how Buzz Aldrin never won People's sexiest man alive is beyond me.

Couldn't even make it to the actual trailer. Insulting the viewers as a sales tactic? Idk who thought that was a cute idea. Hard pass.

Hey, man. Bassets are great but they're also just creatures. Maybe you didn't something to it, maybe you didn't. Don't keep blaming yourself though, you were just a kid.

I refuse to believe a 41 year old typed out “gr*aped” so I quit reading. Catching the gist of the post from these comments, there is a nearly zero percent chance the child’s own parents would say they view their 14yo as potentially 18yo. Pretty sure oop is just another pedo creep with an agenda to push.

That ppbro literally said “go back to the plantation” and they’ve got the nerve to accuse oop of racism? Jesus take the wheel etc.

Hudson’s is entirely the wrong shade of red for her (quite a few of these are unfortunately). That’s definitely contributing to the cheap negligee look.