Sorry did Professor Dave say you can't express motion using waves in the video?

Thanks for saving me a watch lol.

Ryzen 3600X RTX 2060

Cause you said it duh. It's right there in the picture.

Ryzen 3600X RTX 2060

My condolences over the car accident.

Cause he's either got a broken back or a concussion.


PoE2 is gonna be a whole can of ass isn't it?

If used while poisoned


Oh so biological warfare is fine as long as you never promised not to be an evil piece of shit?

Got it.

Israel has been expanding it's settlements for 70 years as well as engaging in Price Tag Attacks against anyone who isn't deemed to be good for the settlements. Things like burning down thousands of olive trees or throwing stones at passing cars and killing Palestinians.

I appreciate that there's no settlements in Gaza.

Israel is a settlement and it wants to expand.

That's complicated.

No it's not. Israel was established by displacing 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from 500 villages and using biological warfare to destroy their wells so they couldn't return.

What do you think should happen if Zionist paramilitary forces invade Palestine, displace 700,000 Palestinian Arabs, and then use biological warfare to destroy their wells so they couldn't return?

Because that's how this conflict started.

Is it? Or is it just a convenient point to stop looking further back into the history?

Zionist forces established Israel by using biological warfare on Palestinian village wells to ensure they couldn't return after being displaced.

It's truly amazing what people will ignore to maintain their beliefs.

You'd be surprised how few people know Israel was founded by Zionist forces displacing 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from 500 villages. Then they used biological warfare to destroy their wells. Then they spent 70 years expanding their settlements displacing and killing even more Palestinians.

What naïve nonsense lol.

Also regarding Gaza. In 2005 Israel completely out of Gaza and that is why there are no settlements. It is not because they kept declaring land in Gaza theirs.

Israel has been expanding it's settlements for seventy years as well as engaging in Price Tag Attacks against people near their new settlements. They did things ranging from burning down thousands of olive trees to throwing stones at passing cars and killing Palestinian people. Israel was established when Zionist forces invaded Mandatory Palestine, destroyed 500 villages, displaced 700,000 Arab Palestinians, and then used biological warfare to destroy their wells so they couldn't return.

But yeah, there's no settlements in Gaza. Yet.

Why do you think human life is worth less than land?

What a stupid question. As if Palestinians aren't killed when they're displaced and become refugees. 

I don't know but this guy says he does.

I know this is a 4 day old question but there seems to a little confusion and not quite right info given here. Let me clear it up a bit.

Yes, a US Navy O-6 is a Captain. On a carrier you can have half a dozen O-6s and they'll all be called Captain, that is their title. However only one of those is the ships Commanding Officer or "CO". That individual is usually refered to as "Skipper".

So if you are on a smaller ship, say a frigate and the commanding officer is an O-5. Do you call him Captain or Skipper? You call him Skipper, because he is only a Commander and hasn't earned the title of Captain yet.

lol, never change you're a treasure.

"Sunlight, radiation, what's the difference really?"

Isn't that assuming you just spend what you save from premiums instead of creating a house emergency fund?

Over a long enough period of time that'd be cheaper than insurance.

They would never guess if the Horcrux was right under their noses!


That's dumb. What about radio stations being in different time zones? If it's time for 9pm quiet in one time zone but it's time for 8pm quiet in another how can they coordinate?

I didn't need that 9th attack either but that didn't stop me from min-maxing for it!

When did I say anything about laws of nature?

It's not a question of if it's worth doing. It's a question of if I can be arsed to go through the process of doing it again.