If they smell fine and look fine I'd keep using them, but keep an eye out for any negative skin reactions.

I have a win/whine, too.

Whine: I took one of my ferrets to the vet for some tests and it took the whole day. I won't get results until next week, but there's a possibility that she has cancer. Pet tax .

Win: I ordered takeout tacos for dinner and something must have gone wrong with their system, because I ended up with twice as many tacos as I ordered.

Embrace it! Your baby will now be totally stylish wearing the sad-beige trend! :)

Small suburban public library. 4 weeks vacation (after 1 year) for all FT staff, 3 personal days, and so many sick days that I can't remember.

I'm 40 and am in a similar boat. Right now I'm allowing my job to be the stable, slightly boring thing that puts food on the table and allows me to dedicate my real energy to the volunteer work that's really important to me.

This is one of my favorite recipes! I've also made it with Meyer lemons and slightly reduced the sugar. I do find that I need to cool the crust for longer than the recipe calls for otherwise the edges bake faster than the middle.


I did my first year last summer and will finish the program with the second year this summer. 9-5 is light compared to my week! We started before 8 with worship and then went until at least dinnertime and sometimes had a session afterwards. We learned about models of the church, change development, group facilitation, leadership, spiritual development, and more. It was a lot of good material, but definitely information overload. There's a CCD YouTube channel if you want to see samples of some of the concepts they teach. I'm looking forward to finishing the program this year.

She's was just talking about selling the house and living in her car, but now she wants to put in fruit trees???

A silky robe is a nice addition to lingerie without being overly sexual.

I have this problem. At first I thought it was lint, then I thought I was using too much detergent. I've tried using a minuscule amount of detergent, washing in deep water, washing very small loads, doing an extra rinse, and using vinegar in the rinse water. I've finally concluded that it's just a terrible washing machine. Anything that comes out with white marks on it just goes back in the wash with no detergent.


I would strongly discourage her from going to Liberty or any similar school. I grew up as a conservative evangelical and attended a college associated with my church's denomination (though not as extreme as Liberty). It's been almost 20 years since I graduated (I also found the Episcopal Church around the same time) and still feel like people in the church look at me askance for where I went to college.

Beautiful little babies! I'm so glad you're giving them the care they need. That breeder should be shot, though.

Just finished Lone Women by Victor LaValle for my library's book club. It was a 3/5 kind of read with an interesting premise, but it was a little too over the top in the last third or so. But after spending my afternoon reading reviews and watching interviews with the author, I'm kind of amazed at the literary references and symbolism he packs in.

Two ideas: First, make liking the library on social media part of a summer reading challenge. Second, I've found that people really enjoy it when I share historic town pictures from our collection.

Edit: Oh, and one more thing. You might check out Super Library Marketing for tips. She has guides to the specifics of each platform.


Some states have laws that govern the number of people on a vestry. New York, for instance, says that it must be a multiple of 3 with 1/3 elected each year.

I'd say she's a masked sable with white mitts.

I'll have to look! I saw this morning that people saw them in my area last night.

Ugh, thanks for letting me know. I try to watch out for obvious reposts, but I missed this one.

So beautiful! I hope to be able to see them someday.

The Ilia Liquid Powder eyeshadows are very longwearing and come in matte shades. I always wear mine as a one and done.

Ugh, that sounds highly unpleasant, but if you've agreed to be in the wedding I think you have to go to the bachelorette.