It makes it easier and less awkward when they come over to clear the plates off they are ready to go and you plan to stay for a bit.

It’s all marketing. Single ply of the way to go. Then you can take and fold what you need. They know that you will use too much of the 2ply and have to buy more often.

If you only have one account then you may need to make the new account first.

Yes, being downvoted for pointing out that he could have been a more defensive driver.

Anything can be done. Just depends on how much time you want to spend on it.

Jesus just drove right by.

That’s too bad. Could have one less idiot in the road.

You got his plate #. Turn the footage in to the police. That person shouldn’t have a license.

It’s not like you have never heard it before. Your brain processes all sorts of things. It doesn’t mean you agree with them.

You sped up when you saw him coming. Had you maintained your speed he would have dropped in right in front of you. He is still an idiot but you could have been a defensive driver as well.

Might make the murderer think twice. If they planned to have you dig it that says that they are lazy and don’t really want to do the work.

We need age limits on the high end and low end. There are 25 year olds that I would trust with the presidency before Biden and Trump. But 35 to 75 doesn’t seem unreasonable when there are plenty of candidates that fit that age range.

Sounds like you have more problems than interpreting if this is cheating or now. Maybe couples counseling.

WTF??? That’s called being healthy.

If it’s a name of someone or a word you are trying to recall I go through the alphabet and use a conscious effort to focus on each letter as a stimulus. It works 9 times out of 10. Sometimes it takes a couple times through but the name often clicks at some point.

If it feels a bit weird to you that you got her @ from Bumble then it will probably feel creepy and stalkerish to her.

Grilled cheese and lays potato chips.

Will shit, I’m having trouble deciding. That’s probably not good.

Not go after Trump with a ton of ads calling out his bullshit and countering them with facts.

Problem with that is it’s formulaic. If someone gets one of your passwords then someone can hack at the rest of your passwords. You still have to store them somewhere so why not use a password manager? And if you use a password manager why not just randomly generate them?

Use the back of a comb to squeeze the last of the toothpaste out of the tube. You usually have one right nearby in the bathroom anyway.

You mean they are louder flying over your house than being inside? How low are planes flying over you? The cabins are well insulated and the sound of the engines is muffled inside but it’s still rather loud.

2024 Prius Prime. New is too expensive but used is realistic.