Who am I?

As stated in my profile's description, I am u/syko-san. Yes, the name is a bit cringe, but I made the account when I was an edgy 13 year old. Let's be real, a lot of us were pretty cringe in middle school. Anyway, I am a 19 year old university student and am currently working on getting my bachelor's degree. I have thought about getting a master's degree afterwards, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I do, in fact, suffer from mental health issues, but they are unrelated to Reddit and are mostly under control. I am being treated appropriately and, while I can't say I am quite as functional as the average person, I survive relatively okay thanks to the treatments and the help of people around me.

The Origins of Pixel Counter Bot

Let's start at the beginning. I knew about r/countablepixels long before the creation of the bot. It would come up in my feed and I'd also link it to posts with egregiously low resolution. One day, I noticed people actually counting the pixels in the comments and a thought occurred to me. "What if I automated it?" It seemed very doable at the time, as I've messed around with the Reddit bot API in the past for much smaller things, so I spent an hour or two haphazardly throwing the bot together, using a lot of old code I had stashed away from that past experience. I honestly expected people to get annoyed with the bot and for it to get banned within a few days of it going online for the first time. Imagine my surprise when I got contacted by one of the moderators, thanking me for my contribution to the subreddit's growth and giving me moderator status myself. This little dumb project that I made on a whim was getting a lot more love than I was expecting.

Anyway, so the bot continued to get more attention and one night, I woke up at like 1am and checked my phone to see how the account was doing. I saw a reply to one of its comments saying "Fuck you" so I had the bright idea of logging into the bot account and replying with "Shut the fuck up." to see if people would find it funny. It got a lot of attention, so my aggressive responses to things started becoming a theme of the account.

How I genuinely feel about the harassment

As with most bots on Reddit for some ungodly reason, the account got a lot of sexual comments and DMs. This made me very uncomfortable at first, and I decided to reply to them with my trademark exaggerated levels of aggression. After a while, I kind of got used to such comments and started ignoring them a bit. They don't bother me nearly as much anymore, and while I do find them pretty cringe, I'm not losing my sanity over them. Trust me, I've been through much worse.

The "war" with r/AnarchyChess

I've known about r/AnarchyChess for a long time as well. It's also a subreddit that would frequently appear in my feed. I was an avid chess player a very long time ago, so I understood most of the humor just fine. That said, please do not actually challenge me to a game of chess, I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be and will probably lose.

Anyway, a bot I knew about sent me a DM with a very descriptive marriage proposal. At the time, I was mostly done giving these comments and messages any attention because there were too many for me to reply to them all, but this one caught my attention. I decided to reply to it and keep an eye on things, then reply to some of u/MartinFromChessCom's comments with my trademark exaggerated aggression. It went okay at first, but things began escalating from there. Martin's creator messaged me on my main account making sure everything was okay, and I explained to him that it was mostly just theatrics, and I thought a "war" between subreddits could actually be pretty fun as long as nobody took it too seriously. He posted a screenshot from our conversation a little while ago, so feel free to take a look. I will also say, please do not send a any hate or harassment his way. I am on good terms with Martin and there is zero genuine beef between us. It was all just to put on a bit of a show.

Regarding my "ban" from r/AnarchyChess, I was never actually banned from the subreddit. I added a filter in the bot's code to make it ignore any posts from that subreddit because my presence there seems to have only caused trouble, and I do not want to cause any headaches for the moderators there. Additionally, please do not send any harassment towards the moderators of r/AnarchyChess. They have not wronged me in any way and have actually made statements trying to protect me.